And Funny Little Things

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Christine's POV:

Willy & I watch from afar as a man tries and fails to propose to a girl he loves. Then, when he calls for a cab, a taxi ignorantly drives past him, covering him in water from the street. We swoop in and pose as a waiter and waitress when he sits down at a restaurant.

Willy: *w/ French accent* "Uh, monsieur, can we help you?"

Colin: "Do you have anything for a broken heart?"


So the taxis never stop


The girls think you're a flop


You're wet and cold


You're getting old

Will & I:

Your confidence is shot.

Colin: "It's true."


When people look at you

They seem to look straight through


Or like you're something brown they found upon the bottom of their shoe

Colin: "Have you been following me?"

Willy waves a napkin across the table and magics a trio of giraffe-like chocolates.


But this should lift the gloom

My giraffe-milk macaron

Just take a chance, and you'll be dancing to a different tune


Goodbye to feeling small

And frightened of it all

Just eat a few of these, and you'll be feeling ten feet tall

The man eats two chocolates and, as a result, has more confidence than ever before.


Well, there's chocolate

Willy helps me onto the table as the three of us dance atop two of them.


And there's chocolate

Only Wonka's makes your confidence skyrockelet

Then, a crowd surrounds us, asking for more macaroons.


Put your hand into your pockelet

Get yourself some Wonka chocolate

The man approaches the woman from earlier.


Madam, just one kiss


Yes, please!


You've never had chocolate like this

Noodle whistles from afar to signal that the police are coming, so Willy & I rush off the table and into the storm drain we originally came through. To further avoid getting caught, Piper closes the lid behind us. We then travel down to another storm drain at a nearby train stop and board the train as two women gossip about our chocolate.

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