Are Made of This

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Christine's POV:

Once Noodle slips some acacia mints into the cleric's pocket, Willy & I slip the zoo security guard another sleep-inducing chocolate, take his keys, and drive Abigail to the Cartel chapel.

Abacus: "Everything alright back there?"

Willy: "Everything's fine. Isn't it, Abigail?"

Abacus: "Tell her she might want to duck."

Willy: "Tell her she might wanna what?"

Abacus: "Duck!"

As we drive under a bridge, Abigail ducks her head to avoid getting hit.

{Time skip}

Once we release Abigail at the chapel's front door, Lottie hijacks the cleric's call for a zookeeper and redirects it to us.

Larry: *over the phone* "Hello, Zoo."

The rest of us make animal noises, though it's hard for me to keep a straight face when I hear Willy's impression of a monkey, so I join Piper in imitating an elephant so my laughter doesn't stick out.

Larry: "Quiet down, you animals.-*gurgles*-You too, octopus.-*pauses*-What?-*over the phone*-Oh, yeah, I think we did lose a giraffe.-*pauses*-Ok, geez. I'll send the guys around."

{Time skip}

So, the others drive us and sneak us into the chapel, with Willy, Noodle & I hiding in the giraffe cage. Abacus then sends the secret elevator down, and we step onto the top. When we arrive underground, we remain hidden until the Mistress of Keys eats her Big Night Out chocolate. Once the dancing part kicks in, Willy watches in wonder.

Willy: "Wow, she can really move."

When she finally leaves to call the zoo security guard and falls asleep, we leap off the top of the elevator and walk towards the Cartel's base, grabbing the Mistress' keys off her person so we can get into the vault. We then rummage through every file and folder searching for the green ledger.

Willy: "Anything?"

Noodle: "Nothing."

Me: "Same here."

Willy: "Well, keep looking."

Noodle: "It's not here, Willy."

Willy: "But Abacus said that it was here."

Noodle: "Abacus has been in the Wash House for the past 4 years. Maybe all the scrubbing has gone to his head. 'Cause all that's down here is just a bunch of stupid old chocolate."

Noddle grabs a box of chocolate and throws it at the wall, revealing a secret door hiding in plain sight. We open it to reveal the green ledger we've been looking for.

Me: "Willy, look!"

Willy: "We did it, girls. We got 'em."

We turn in surprise as Slugworth fires a warning shot while Prodnose & Fickelgruber stand to his left and right.

Slugworth: "Naughty, naughty, Mr. Wonka & Ms. Carter. You've caused us quite a bit of trouble. You and your urchin."

Willy: "Yeah, but she's not just an urchin, is she, Mr. Slugworth? You're family."

Noodle: "What? What are you talking about, Willy?"

Willy: "You know that ring, Noodle? The one your parents gave you? Mr. Slugworth has one just like it. Don't you, Mr. Slugworth?"

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