DAY SEVEN (Part One)

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‘ Tilak?’ his voice called out.

‘ Was it his voice? It sounded huskier. Who is this person?’ Shubman thought.

The boy stopped and looked inside.

‘ Oh my god, Shubman Gill???’ He sounded excited.

Shubman heard himself laugh. A laugh which was faking modesty.

‘ You know Shreyas right? He's a friend of mine …well, a friend of a friend. Anyways, you want a ride?’ he heard himself say.

Shubman shuddered in fear as he remembered where he saw Tilak from.

‘ NO TILAK, DONT GET IN’ Shubman screamed. He tried to move his body, but nothing was working.

He watched as Tilak got in and put on his seat belt.

‘ Shreyas never told me that he knew you.’

‘ Oh, we met a few days ago, and now you have met me too. So I guess scores are tied.’ Shubman felt his lips move.

Tilak smiled and nodded. He couldn't believe he was in a car with such a famous personality.

‘ So, what do you do?’ Shubman saw himself ask Tilak.

‘ I uh…I work as a bartender’

‘ Uff, I could use a good drink right now’ Another fake laugh.

Shubman felt disgusted.

‘ At this time?’ Tilak asked hesitantly as he looked at the time. It was past two at night.

‘ I'm out, instead of being in bed. What do you think?’

Tilak laughed.

‘ Alright. I can make you a drink’

‘ Good, I was heading up to my farmhouse. It's around 45 mins from here. Is that alright with you?’

Shubman watched petrified as Tilak agreed. He then saw himself looking in the mirror and smirking.

‘ let's have some fun Shubman’ a whisper which sent a shiver down his back.

‘ Wow, this house looks amazing!’ Tilak looked around in wonder and walked to the bar area.

‘ What would you like to drink Sir?’ Tilak asked enthusiastically as he stood behind the bar.

‘ Something strong enough to make me forget myself’

‘ What are you trying to do to him??’ Shubman asked the voice in anger.

No answer.

Shubman watched himself go behind the bar and stand next to Tilak, watching him work. He saw his arms lift and go towards Tilak’s back.

‘ NO. NO. NO. NO. NO’ Shubman screamed and reeled back in horror at the sight of what he was seeing.

He saw himself grab Tilak and kiss him. Shocked Tilak dropped the glass onto the floor.

‘ You know, I have always wondered why Shreyas switched teams, now I think I know why’ Shubman whispered as he let go.

Tilak stood shocked, unable to process anything.

‘ You are…you are gay?’ Tilak, asked.

‘ Absolutely not. I am just… experimenting,’ Shubman said leaning towards him.

‘ i…don't think I should be here. I'm with Shreyas’

‘ Oh come on. It's just one night. No one needs to know. It would be our dirty little secret’ Shubman heard himself whisper it into Tilak's ears.

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