Chapter Sixteen: Graduation and an Attack

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*graduation dress above*

Kiara's POV:

I feel soft kisses to my face and neck as I slowly wake up the next day. "Good morning, little mate. Time to wake up, it's a special day." Emmett's voice whispers softly in my ear as he kisses me deeply. My cheeks flush as I sit up slowly. "We graduate today, Emmy." Emmett chuckles softly, "Yes, little goddess, we graduate today. Alice has breakfast for you in her and Lucas' room. Her and Rosalie will help you get ready while you eat. Then we need to head to the school." My smile widens as he kisses my cheek. Jasper walks in shortly after and kisses me softly, "Hello, little darling. Alice is getting impatient. Better hurry up and go to her." I smile before heading to Alice. "It's about time, Kia. We have so much to do in such a short amount of time." Alice rushes over before gently pushing me towards her vanity. Rosalie comes in and immediately starts on my makeup while Alice does my hair. An hour and a half later and I'm ready. We meet the others downstairs before separating into two groups. Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie Kieran and I in Kierans truck. While Lucas, Alice, Edward, Esme and Carlisle go in Lucas' jeep. We all pull up to the school and park in our usual spots before we head inside. Carlisle and Esme break off to find seats while the rest of us find our assigned seats. The principal was nice enough to let me sit with the Cullens even though my name is Santos. He sympathized with my anxiety I guess. I sit in between Emmett and Kieran while Lucas, Jasper and Rosalie sit with their letter group. The ceremony drags on until the last name is called and the speeches are done. As iconic as Jessica's speech was, she was still Isabella's friend so I was hesitant to pay any attention to her. Emmett felt my nerves and squeezed my hand gently. I smiled softly as we all stood and cheered. The Cullens and I made our way to Carlisle and Esme to celebrate. Esme pulled me away from Emmett into a big hug. The emotions got to me as I felt the tears fall from my eyes. The motherly love I felt from Esme made me think of my mom and I tensed slightly. Emmett growled softly when he noticed, pulling me back into his arms and purring softly. Jasper noticed the change and joined Emmett by my side. He ran his fingers through my hair gently, careful not to mess up Alice's hard work. I sniffled before pulling away from them. Jasper cupped my cheeks before kissing my forehead softly. "You alright, little darling?" I nodded softly. "Esme's motherly hug just made me think of my mother. That's all, Jassy." Esme and the others frown softly. "It's okay, I promise. With everything going on I'm just a little bit overemotional." They look hesitant to believe me but nonetheless nod. "I'm gonna go rinse my face, I'll be right back." Jasper looks ready to argue but I cut him off. "I promise to be right back, Jassy. " Him and Emmett both still seem hesitant but nod anyway. I make my way towards the ladies room turning a corner and jumping back as I see a shadow coming from behind before everything fades to black.

Jasper's POV

As soon as Kiara walks away I feel the Major tense inside my mind. 'Something is wrong with mate. Find mate.' I immediately start heading for the restrooms with everyone following, obviously noticing something is wrong. "Jasper, what is it." Emmett hesitates, almost like he feels it too. "Major said something is wrong with Kiara, told me to find her." Emmett immediately tensed as a soft growl leaves his lips in a snarl. Everyone instantly starts looking for her. I feel Lucas tense beside me as he turns towards the exit. "Jasper, Emmett," he calls as he turns back towards us. I immediately look at what he has in his hands. A small dainty bracelet sits in his hands. Kiara's bracelet, the one Emmett and I gave her for her birthday. Emmett and I immediately growl loudly. No one is around to notice but Carlisle still keeps his eyes on the doors. I can feel the Major growl in my head before taking over. "Must find mate, NOW." He growls lowly as everyone tenses. "Major, I promise we will find her, right now we need Jasper back. We need to get back to the house, Lucas and Kieran will track the scent." I feel my control slowly come back before nodding. All of us split up to search before heading home. Emmett and I both tense as we feel pain through our bond. We continue to feel more and more pain before it stops, and that somehow feels worse than the pain. After five hours of searching, we decided to meet up at the house. As soon as we park we find the pack waiting for us, and immediately know something is wrong. Paul turns around carefully, his eyes full of tears as he finally stops. I immediately understand his tears as I look into his arms. Kiara lays motionless, covered in blood and bruises. Sam steps forward, his eyes also filled with tears. "We found her on our territory. The pack was on patrol when Paul and Jared tracked her scent after smelling a vampire followed by blood. The only good thing is there doesn't seem to be any bite marks on her. The bad thing is there's a lot of blood, and she hasn't regained consciousness once." I immediately take her from Paul, carefully lifting her into my arms before heading inside wordlessly. Emmett follows behind quietly. Carlisle directs me to the medical room and has me lay her down. I do hesitantly before grabbing her hand gently. Carlisle tries to move me but I growl lowly. He sighs before working around me. She doesn't once regain consciousness, even though she has to be in a lot of pain right now. Which absolutely terrifies me. I cannot lose her, Emmett cannot lose her. We need her. "She has a lot of deep but superficial wounds. There doesn't seem to be any internal injuries thankfully. But there is a deep scratch down her thigh that will need stitches. She likely has a concussion with the bruising on her head. I'll stitch up any wounds that need it but other than that it's a waiting game." My eyes fill with useless tears as I grip her hand tightly. Carlisle does what he can before squeezing my shoulder and leaving. Emmett enters shortly after and grabs her other hand. "Please, little darling, I'm begging you. Don't give up, you gotta keep fighting for us, little darling. We need you more than anything or anyone." I kiss her hand gently before laying my head on her lap gently, careful of her injuries. Hours go by before she starts to stir, whimpering softly when she moves the wrong way.  I run my fingers through her hair gently as I whisper. "Shhh, little darling, try not to move too much. You have stitches in your stomach and thigh. Move slowly, let us help you." Emmett gently lifts her as I move the bed into an upright position. He carefully lays her back down before we both kiss her forehead. "Little darling, do you remember anything? Like who attacked you? Where they took you?" Her eyes fill with tears as she shakes her head. "All I remember is going to the ladies room and then darkness. But I remember thinking I saw the receptionist from Volterra. You know the girl that kept glaring at me? Other than that idk anything except waking up briefly with Paul and Jared next to me. They kept trying to keep me awake but it was so hard. Finally I just shut my eyes and next thing I know I'm waking up here." Emmett and I share a look before he walks out to inform Carlisle. "He's not mad at me right? I didn't mean to upset him." I frown softly before sitting next to her and gently pulling her into my arms. "Of course not, little darling. None of this is your fault. Carlisle just asked us to get him when you woke up. He'll be right back, I promise." She sniffles before nodding slowly. Her eyes keep drooping so I run my fingers through her hair again. Carlisle walks through the door followed by Emmett. "Kiara, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Carlisle speaks softly so as not to scare Kiara. "I've definitely been better. But I feel slightly better, just a little pain on my leg." Carlisle smiles softly before doing some tests. "Everything looks normal now, just get some rest." He walks out shortly after kissing her temple. "You heard Carlisle, little goddess. Get some sleep, we'll be here when you wake up." Emmett whispers before kissing her forehead gently. He sits on the other side of her before wrapping her in his arms. Luckily, Rosalie had come and changed her into one of our sweatshirts while she was asleep. So we don't have to worry about moving her. Kiara snuggles deeper into our arms before falling asleep again. Emmett and I whisper back and forth. "Whoever did this will pay. The Volturi won't allow their princess to be attacked like this without consequence." Emmett nods. "Carlisle informed me that the kings are already on the way back as we speak. And Caius was ready to wage war for her. He will not stop until all who stand against her have been dealt with." We fall silent at that, ready to wage war ourselves for our mate.


AHHHH finally a new update after months of nothing. Hopefully now that the holiday season is over I'll be able to come up with a better schedule. Fingers crossed. Thanks for sticking with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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