Chapter Nine: Soulbonds and Betrayal

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Kiaras POV
I wake up wrapped in my mates' arms. Both of them slowly run their fingers through my hair. Emmett smiles down at me as Jasper watches from next to us. "Good morning, little mate. Carlisle told us to gather in the throne room again. Something bad has happened." My eyes widen and fill with tears. "I just want to have peace and get to know you both more." Jas kisses my forehead gently as he says. "We know little darling, as do we. But your safety is our top priority. So let's go see what has occurred and then we'll spend the rest of the day together." I reluctantly nod as we all get up. I put on a new outfit and follow them to the throne room. As soon as we enter, Caius immediately speeds over and goes to hug me but stops when Emmett and Jasper both growl in warning. "We're sorry, your majesty, but she is still newly marked. On top of just meeting and being shared mates. It makes us possessive and extremely overprotective. It also doesn't help that she has been in danger multiple times. So forgive us, but please don't come too close just this second." Emmett speaks respectfully while still getting the point across. To his credit, Caius doesn't get angry. Disappointed, yes, but he also understands where they are coming from. "Understandably so, Emmett. And I'm afraid it will only get worse. Aro will explain more." Aro comes forward and smiles at me before he begins. "One of our trusted guards, Santiago, has betrayed us. He went down to the dungeons during the night and freed young Isabella. After freeing her, he promptly fled. The only reason we know is because all his things are gone, as is Isabella. Rest assured, we are doing all we can to find them both. However, as it seems, it may be safer if you all immediately go back to Forks. There is no telling what Isabella has said to Santiago. Therefore, there is no telling what Santiago will do." Jasper and Emmett both growl loudly as they pull me back into their arms. Everyone around us is holding tightly to their own mates as Jasper and Emmett both bury their faces in my neck, sniffing at my marks to calm themselves down. I put my hands on their faces to hopefully help them. "It's okay, I'm here, I'm safe. They won't hurt me. You both will protect me." Their arms wrap tightly around my waist as they take deep breaths. "Must protect mate." They repeatedly say this as I run my fingers through their hair. I look at Edward, knowing he can read my mind and hopefully put my thoughts into words. I don't trust all of these people yet. "Kiara thinks it would be best to leave now. She doesn't want Jasper and Emmett to be distressed. She also feels bad for supposedly causing so much trouble. Which, Kiara, you are not to blame. Isabella started problems as soon as she came back two months ago. You just happened to make her jealous and mad. We all love you and would do anything to protect you. Especially Jasper and Emmett." Both men purr softly to make me understand. "Little darling, Edward is right. Isabella has been a thorn in our sides for two months. When you arrived, it was like a breath of fresh air. You make everything easier to deal with. Nothing makes us happier than being able to love and protect you. Both of us will always want to love and protect you." My eyes fill with tears as I burrow into his chest. Trying to find comfort in his arms. He responds in kind with a deep purr. Almost instantly, I feel myself calm down as my subconscious tries to submit. Emmett and Jasper both growl in approval. All of a sudden, I feel a rush of air. I look up and vaguely realize we're back in the room I woke up in. Emmett sits down and sits me in his lap as he grabs my chin kind of harshly. "Little goddess, understand me when I say we will do anything for you. No matter what happens. You're it for us, for eternity. No one matters to us as much as you. We will spend all of eternity telling you how much we love you if you need us to. But know it is true, you belong to us." My eyes widen as his hands move to my hips. He slowly moves my body over his until I feel him harden under me. I blush as I understand what I am feeling. "This is what you do to us. And when the time is right, we will worship you. But for now, trust us when we say we love you." Tears fall as I whisper, "I love you too, both of you. I'm sorry I make it so difficult sometimes. But when it comes to love, everyone ends up leaving me eventually. My dad abused me, and my mom blamed me. So you are all I have now, and that scares me. But I trust you both with my life." Emmett kisses my forehead as he says. "Nothing makes us happier, little goddess. On to less important topics, the kings spoiled you. They had one of their human workers go out and buy you two whole new wardrobes with Alice's help, of course. One is to come back with us while the other stays here in this room. They want you to feel comfortable when we come back to visit. But also we should probably go back to join the rest of them. We need to say goodbyes." My eyes widen when he tells me about the new wardrobe. Then I frown, realizing we have to leave today. We all exit the room and head back to the throne room. I immediately search for Caius. "Can I please?" I ask my mates if I can hug him. Emmett frowns but nods. "We don't want to be controlling. We're just a little on edge. We're sorry." I shake my head. "Don't apologize. It just means you care." I smile as I run to Caius. Before I can stop, I say. "Papa," as I reach him. His eyes widen, and only then do I realize what I call him. My eyes widen, too. Then I feel worried and scared. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It just slipped out." He smiles wildly as his arms wrap around me, and he spins us both. I giggle as my arms tighten around his neck. Caius puts me down and kisses my forehead. "It didn't bother me, bambina. I just didn't expect it so soon. You can call me Papa if you'd like. Or you can simply call me Caius. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable." I smile shyly as Emmett and Jasper both come over to us. Caius smiles shortly before he speaks. "I trust you both to protect mia bambina. She is too precious to me. So please, don't let her get harmed." Jasper and Emmett both nod. "We promise not to let anything happen to her." I smile shyly as they both look at me lovingly. Carlisle comes over to us. "I'm sorry to say, but we should be leaving now if we want to make it back at a reasonable hour." My smile falters as he says this. Emmett sees and pulls me into his chest as he purrs. We say our final goodbyes and leave the castle. Alice smiles as she sees me. "Your new wardrobe is already at the house. And I have another surprise for you as well. I just know you're going to love it." I hug her tightly as I say. "Thank you, Allie! It means a lot to me that you'd go through all this work for me." Alice smiles widely as she says, "You're going to be my sister in the future, Kiara. So anything I can do to make you feel at home, I will gladly do." I hug her tighter as she says this. We all get in the car and drive to the airport. As soon as we arrive at the airport, we board the private jet. And then we're off, back to America.

Back at the castle:
Caius' POV:
The anger I feel at the thought of my newfound daughter being in danger is frightening. Even for me, and that's saying something considering I'm known for my anger. The fact alone that her life is in danger because of another human is disturbing. This human pushed herself into our world and now has the nerve to endanger my daughter. My blood boils at the thought. Athenadora and I both spoiled Kiara yesterday. Giving her jewelry and clothes. Well, we gave it to Alice, who will give it to Kiara. We didn't want to overwhelm her. She's far too precious to be in this world, but at the same time, she will bring us all immense joy and happiness. On to more pressing matters. "Aro, what are we going to do about Santiago? He has betrayed our trust and has put my principessa in danger." Aro looks furious as he says. "We punish him, of course. A vampire has one important thing in their immortal life. Their mate and as much as it pains me to say this, I believe young Isabella to be his mate. So we eliminate Isabella, and we, in turn, eliminate Santiago. Although he will have to be tortured beforehand. He must suffer for betraying the Volturi." I smile darkly as we all separate to different parts of the castle. Athenadora joins me in our private library where we talk about Kiara. I hope she is safe in forks. All hell will break loose if something happens to her. I swear on my immortal life. No one is safe from my wrath should they harm my daughter. And no one will see what's coming for them should they choose to do her harm. They won't like the devil that comes out to play in return. Athenadora must sense my inner turmoil because she sits down in my lap and snuggles into my chest. "Everything will work out in the end, my love. She is perfectly safe and protected with the Cullens. We just have to make sure we find the traitor and bring him to justice." I smile as I kiss her forehead lovingly. "Thank you, my love." She smiles as she cuddles into me.

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