Chapter Seven: Isabella Causes Trouble

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Carlisle's POV:
Isabella looks smug as she says, "Since I know you're secret, I want to be turned. Otherwise, I'll tell the Volturi." My eyes widen as she smirks again. I look at Jasper as I say, "Perhaps it would be a good idea for us all to just visit the Volturi anyway. I do indeed miss my brothers." I put emphasis on the word brothers. Her smirk falls. "Well then, fine, we'll go to the Volturi tonight. Might as well bring Kiara, too." Jasper growls at the mention of his mate. I grab his shoulder. "Don't worry, Jasper. Kiara will be perfectly safe with the Volturi. You should go tell her and Emmett." Jasper nods before quickly leaving. No doubt needing his mate in his arms. I turn to Isabella and say. "I hope you understand what you're getting yourself into, Isabella. This isn't a game to be won. The Volturi will not be kind to you." Her smirk falters as she says, "Well, what about, Kiara? Surely, the same goes for her, considering we're both human." I shake my head. "No, Isabella. It won't be the same for Kiara. She is considered precious in our world. Human or not shared mates are treasured. The Volturi will not harm her. You are not under the same protection." She doesn't falter. "Either way, I'm going with you all." I nod as we all disperse to pack. Esme and I both share a look as Isabella latches onto Edward. He frowns immediately, trying to remove her hand. She frowns but only grips tighter. All of a sudden, a loud growl is heard from Emmetts' room. "She has no idea what is about to happen." Esme speaks softly. I smile sadly. "She is not my concern. Kiara is our sons' mate. She will be protected. What happens to Isabella is nothing we didn't warn her about. Her choice has been made." Esme nods sadly. We both head up to our room to pack while listening for trouble.

Kiara's POV
"Little darling, I need you to wake up. I'm sorry but I need to talk to you. " My eyes slowly open as I feel Jasper shake me gently. "Jassy, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Jasper smiles sadly as he speaks. "Isabella found out what we are and has threatened to go to the Volturi. Which is basically the vampire government. So, to protect our family, Carlisle suggested we all just go to the Volturi for a visit anyway. He used to be a part of their coven. They are his soul brothers. Aro, Caius, and Marcus. They do not allow humans to know of our existence, so Isabella wanted to get you in trouble. But you are treasured by every vampire. Especially the Volturi. They know the significance of a shared mate, and therefore, you will be protected. But we must go to Italy to introduce you and hopefully Isabella will get in trouble for all the problems she's caused us and you." Before I can answer, Emmett growls loudly before pulling me into his lap. "Mate must be protected. Isabella wants mate hurt." He buries his face in my neck while growling. Jasper buries his face into the other side of my neck. They both look at me as their fangs lengthen. "Must mark mate." My eyes widen as they sink their fangs into my neck again. I gasp as I feel the pleasure again. My eyes close as they take some of my blood before pulling away, locking their marks closed. "We're sorry, little goddess. Our inner beasts got mad and needed to remark you. Did we hurt you?" Jasper runs his fingers through my hair as he speaks. I shake my head quickly. "No, it's okay, I'm sure this is very stressful for you both. But I'm not afraid. I have a good feeling about Italy." Jasper smiles as he kisses me before pulling away. "Let's get you packed for Italy, little darling." I nod softly as Emmett lifts me from the bed. I squeal as my legs wrap around his waist with my arms locked around his neck. Jasper packs us all a bag before we meet everyone downstairs. Isabella glares at me from across the room. Tightening my grip on Emmett, I hide my face in his neck. He sees Isabella and growls loudly. "Try to harm my mate and see what happens, Isabella." He grounds out lowly. Isabella rolls her eyes as we all leave. Emmett, Jasper, and I join Rosalie and Kieran in the jeep. Alice joins Edward and Isabella while Lucas rides with Carlisle and Esme. My eyes slowly close as I lean my head against Jaspers shoulder. He smiles softly at me. "Sleep, little darling. We'll be at the airport shortly. We have a private plane so I'll just carry you to the plane." I smile softly before drifting to sleep.

Fifteen hours later:
My eyes slowly open as I realize we've landed. I don't even remember getting on the plane. Kieran notices me first and smiles wildly. "Well, good morning, sleeping beauty. You slept through the entire flight. Fifteen whole hours." My eyes widen as everyone, but Isabella laugh quietly. Alice comes and takes my hand. "Let's get you changed into something more comfortable. You probably want to shower, too, right?" I nod quickly. "Yes, please, Alice. Thank you for helping me." Alice smiles softly. "You're my sister now, Kiara. Rosalie and I will always be here for you." My eyes fill with tears as I hug her tightly. Alice leads me to the bathroom and leaves me alone. I quickly shower before getting dressed in what she picked out. A nude tank bodysuit with high waisted blue jean shorts and white converse. One of Jaspers sweatshirts to put over it. I leave my long black curls hanging to my waist. My eyes widen when I see myself in the mirror. Despite everything that's happened to me, I look genuinely happy. It's all thanks to Jasper and Emmett. Along with their family. I could never imagine what my life would be like without them despite only knowing them for a few days. My head turns at the sound of a knock on the door. Emmett and Jasper both enter and pause when they see me. "You look gorgeous, little goddess." I blush slightly. "Thank you both. I don't know what my life would be like without you, and I'm glad I met you." They both smile as Emmett holds out his hand. We all exit the plane and get a car to Volterra. Here goes nothing...

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