Chapter Five: Meeting the Family 2

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Kiara's POV:
At the door is a tall golden eyed blonde hair man. I can only assume he is Carlisle. "Hello, Kiara. I am Carlisle. Jasper and Emmett's adoptive father. I can answer that question if the boys want to answer, but first. You took a nasty hit to the head. I want to keep you here for observation overnight, but tomorrow, you should be able to go home to rest for a few days. Then, if you feel up to it, you can go back to school. Now, back to your previous questions." Jasper moves closer to me as Carlisle continues. "This may come as a shock to you, and for that, I am sorry. Jasper and Emmett had hoped to ease you into this world. But Isabella repeatedly attacking you has made their protective instincts go on overdrive. The supernatural world you've read about is real. My family and I are actually a coven of vampires. I am the coven leader. However, my coven does not feed off humans. Just animals. Us vampires have things called mates. It is like the word soul mate. Basically, a person created specifically for you. You, sweetheart, are Jasper and Emmetts shared mate. Everything you have felt up until now and going towards the future is in part because of the mate bond. It is extremely rare to have a shared mate. So Jasper and Emmett are both very overprotective of you. But you have no reason to be afraid of any of us. We will all protect you no matter what." Kiara can feel her eyes well up. Jasper and Emmett immediately start to purr softly in hopes of comforting her. "Little darling, are you alright? You don't need to accept the bond. It will hurt us, but we only want what's best for you. You have control here. I promise you we will not let anyone hurt you." Kiara jumps into their arms. Crying tears of joy, finally having someone who will love her for who she is. "Little one, please stop crying. It's okay. Just stop crying. We hate to see you so upset." Emmett whispers as he tightens his hold on her, running his finger through her hair to calm her. "I'm not upset, Emmy. I can't begin to describe how happy I am. I have never felt loved by anyone but my mother. And now I have the both of you who will love and protect me for the rest of my life. Yes, it's kind of scary, but at the same time, i feel like this is what I've been waiting for. It's the best thing that could've happened. But um, if you don't mind, if possible. I'd rather not turn unless absolutely necessary. At least right now." Jasper and Emmett smile wildly as Emmett pulls her up into his arms and spins her around. "Emmett! Be careful. She does still have a concussion. You have to be extremely gentle for the next few days, Emmett." Emmett frowns at the thought of accidentally hurting his precious mate. "Little cutie, I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm sorry, I just got really excited. " I smile softly at him as I hug him tighter around the neck. "Emmy, it's okay. I don't feel that much pain right now. You didn't hurt me. Don't worry, I'll tell you when it hurts, I promise. But, um, could we maybe possibly cuddle now?" I look at them both with puppy dog eyes. They both smile wildly as Jas says, "Of course, little darling. We can go to my room and cuddle. Let's get you something to eat first." I nod as Emmett picks me up, my legs wrap tightly around his waist, and my arms lock behind his head. We head down the hall to the kitchen, and everyone looks up at us. I hid my head in Emmetts neck at the attention. "Kiara!" Rosie rushes over and takes me from Emmett. She hugs me tightly as she whispers, "Thank God you're okay! We were so worried when Emmett told us what happened. Isabella won't see what's coming when I get to her." I smile weakly as I say, "Rosie, I'm okay, I promise. You don't have to go attacking anybody. Especially since she's not as strong as you guys." Rosie tenses slightly but says, "Fine, I won't attack her. I am glad you know, but I wish you didn't get hit like that." I smile as Jasper comes and takes me in his arms. "If you don't mind, Rose. Our mate needs to eat." A woman with long brown hair comes out what I'm assuming is the kitchen and says, "Jasper, I made her some tea and a grilled cheese." Jassy smiles at her as he says to me. "Little darling, this is Esme. Our mother for all intents and purposes. Esme, this is Kiara." Esme smiles warmly and says, " Nice to meet you, sweetheart." My grip tightens on Emmett just a bit as I whisper. "Hi, it's nice to meet you too." Emmett sits down on a stool with me on his lap. I slowly start to eat the sandwich as Emmett runs his fingers through my hair to keep me calm. "Little darling, once you finish, we can go back upstairs, okay?" I nod as I finish my last bite of food. I take a couple of sips of tea and feel sleepier than before. Emmett must notice because he carefully gets up off the stool. Rosie and Alice noticed too because they offered to help me change into pajamas. I nod as I whisper, "Can you put me down for a second, Emmy?" He pouts but does as I asked. Alice takes me to her room and rushes out before coming back with what I assume is either Jasper or Emmetts hoodie. "This is Jasper's hoodie. You can wear it with a pair of my sweatpants." I wince as my head throbs slightly, but with her hearing, Alice says. "I can help you, little cutie. Then I'll take you to Jasper and Emmett." I whisper my agreement, and she walks over to me. As she's getting the hoodie over my head, someone knocks on the door. "Alice, give us our mate back, please. She needs to rest." Emmett whines through the door. Alice chuckles as she says, "Don't worry, she's done. You can come in." The door slowly opens as Emmett walks in, followed by Jasper. My body goes straight to Jasper. I hold my arms up and whisper. "Cuddles please," my voice soft with tiredness. Emmett and Jasper both coo at me before Jasper picks me up with one arm around my waist. My legs wrap tightly around his waist, and my arms lock behind his head. I lay my head on his shoulder with my face in his neck. Alice talks to them for a few seconds, but I feel myself drift to sleep, so I tighten my hold on Jasper and close my eyes.

Jasper's POV
I stand in Alice's room as she talks to us about a vision she had. "As much as I hate to say this. Her mother has started drinking, and when we drop her off tomorrow, her mother hits her. So I started on a room for her just in case. It's exactly as she has her old room. It will just need her personal items. I also bought a few clothes for her. I suggest one of you stay with her when you drop her off. Even if you're in her room as she talks to her mom." Emmett and I are both livid. But before we can do anything, I notice Kiara has fallen asleep cuddling into my neck. "Emmett, look." He turns to me just as I finish talking. Alice coos as Emmett comes closer and runs his fingers down her cheek. We hear the click of a phone and turn to Alice. "It was too cute not to take a picture." Emmett and I laugh as we walk to my room. Emmett sits down as I gently lay Kiara on the bed. She turns over before her body unconsciously gravitates toward Emmett. He purrs softly as he lays down. His arms wrap around her waist. Her head lays on his chest while her hand grips his shirt tightly. She buries her head in his neck. I gently climb behind her as my arms also wrap around her waist. I bury my face in her neck and inhale her sweet scent. It immediately calms me down. Emmett and I both watch her as Emmett says, "If her mother hits her tomorrow, it will break her. She's all Kiara has besides us. I hope we're enough for her." I nod slowly before I say, "As much as I hate to admit this. It seems her mother hasn't talked to her in a while. They've both been so focused on surviving. Now, she may hurt her, but we'll be there to keep her safe and calm." Emmett nods as we both cuddle more into Kiara, closing our eyes. Rosie walks in and awes. A phone clicks, and we hear Rosalie. "You have no idea how adorable she looks wrapped tightly between you both. She was made for you."

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