A Day with the V's

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Veers pov:

I was sitting with vox behind the camera crew as they recorded a new show. Vox was watching as the cast read their lines and honestly, from the look on his face, he seemed less than pleased.

Honestly, we had recorded better shows than this in the past but no one actually watches these for entertainment. Half this stuff was used as background noise anyway.

After recording a couple episodes me and vox sent everyone home for the day or to do other jobs around the building. I was standing next to velvet helping her pick outfits for her next show while Aldo taking pictures to tease the release of her new collection.

I was looking through some of the pictures when arm's wrapped around my waist "hey val" I greeted not looking up from my phone only for him to grab my chin gently and turn my head to look at him "eye contact mi Pequeño fallo" he purred causing me to blush lightly under my mask before rolling my eyes

"Whatever" I mumbled before smiling "did you need something?" I asked causing him to smile "I was looking through a few things and noticed something you might wanna see" he purred causing me to nod "let's go then" I mused before he let go of my waist and led me to his floor

When we got there I sat at vals computers and started searching. Once I found it I froze as electricity sparked off of me "well then..looks like I have a last minute appointment" I reasoned as Val chuckled darkly behind me

3rd person pov:

A sinner could be seen bound in a chair passed out. When they finally stirred they looked around and panicked as they called for help only to be met by a glitched laugh "you know, I'd say I'm a pretty patient guy" the voice mused before veer appeared in front of the sinner who froze "but then I remind myself, I can't be to lenient" he reasoned with a smirk

"I try to be a nice guy, much kinder than me associates are" he continued "but then people like you test me" he added with a glare as his claws grew out and he clenched a fist "and then I'm forced to make examples out of you" he concluded as the sinner shook in fear

"Now I just have one question for you" veer stated causing the sinner to nod fearfully "why is it it took me searching you out to have you repay your debt?"  He asked causing the sinner to stutter out nonsense and veer to sigh "either way, your here now and I have a debt to collect" he reasoned as he smirked darkly "now see, if you had come willingly this wouldn't be an issue, but I had to waste my time to find you so I think it's only fair you give me compensation for that" he reasoned

"Let's say..your soul?" He added as the sinner shook in fear. The lights in the room flickered as four strings appeared and held the sinners arms and legs in place. Electricity was crackled off the strings as the sinner struggled and veer laughed.

Veer approached the sinner and the camera panned out as screams were heard from inside the room
Veer was sitting on the couch holding the soul in his hands before clenching his fist as the soul turned to electricity and flowed down his arm into his veins causing him to smirk and shiver due to the new power.

He perked up when he heard two others enter and smiled when he spotted val and vox. "evening gents" he greeted sitting up as vox sighed and fell onto the couch next to him causing him to smile softly "tough day?" he asked as vox pulled him onto his lap and val sat behind veer "you have no idea, howd your little 'meeting' go?" vox asked with a small smirk causing veer to smirk before zapping vox lightly causing his screen to glitch a bit before returning to normal.

"thought I told you not do that?" vox asked with a smirk as veer shrugged 'when do I ever listen to you?" the smaller overlord asked chuckling as val and vox shared a smirk "I don't know you seem to listen pretty well when we-" val started only for veer to shock him causing him to yelp before he and vox chuckled as veer blushed and pouted slightly "assholes" he mumbled before velvet walked in

"hey love birds, I need veer, so stop breaking him" she stated as veer sighed and val and vox shrugged before letting him move. Veer got up and followed velvet while flipping off the other two overlords before vanishing behind the door.


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