The Big Man vs Spider-Man

Start from the beginning

"And what exactly are your plans anyway? You're gonna run for mayor?? 'Cause that's not gonna happen on my watch."

Kingpin simply laughed, "I do find it amusing that you think I'd be suitable for mayor. But no. That's not what I want."

"Then what is it?"

Kingpin walked over to Spider-Man and pulled him up from the chain that was holding up Spider-Man. Somehow, he lifted Peter like he was a feather. The 2 were face to face, "I'm going to take over Oscorp."


Suddenly Spider-Man was dropped and began walking back, "The biggest company in New York. Even bigger than that of being the mayor. I will bring New York to it's knees and under my control. Every gang, heist, street corner will be under my fingertips. I finally be able to purify this city in a way like I never was able to before. But first." He turned around, "I have to put an end to the man that keeps getting in my way... You."

Spider-Man continued to struggle to get out of the chains as Kingpin continued talking, "I will applaud you for this, Spider-Man. I've never faced a more determined opponent than you. Daredevil is close, but he... he is another story."

"So are you done with your ol' villain monologue yet? Or are we gonna settle this?" Spider-Man finally told him. But when he said this, he realized another thing. His mask was still on? 

Confusingly, he asked Fisk, "Why didn't you take off my mask? Could've had a chance to revel in knowing Spider-Man's true identity. I know most other villains would."

"I do not need to know who's under the mask to kill the man underneath it. You're just another man in my way. But... I would like a fair fight. If you want to stop me. You'll do it like a man... Face to face."

Suddenly, the chains released him and Spider-Man fell to the ground with a loud thud. Kingpin rolled his sleeves up, "It is about time this little battle ended."

Spider-Man waisted no time and fired his webs at the large enemy. But unexpectedly, he caught the webs and pulled Spider-Man towards him Spider-Man flew into Kingpin, who headbutted him. He never expected someone, nonetheless a HUMAN, to be able to go one-on-one with him without any sort of weapon or suit. While Spider-Man was still on the ground, Kingpin kicked him across the room and through the air.

Spider-Man groaned annoyingly and leaped for Kingpin, but Kingpin simply grabbed him by the throat, "You're sloppy." An Kingpin took Spider-Man's head and smashed it into the concrete ground, creating cracks through the ground. 

Spider-Man couldn't fight him in this condition after what Prowler did to him. It may have seemed fair to Kingpin, but it wasn't. Spider-Man grabbed his arm and tried to throw Kingpin off of him. Kingpin rolled on the ground and finally let go of Spider-Man.

Spider-Man took this moment of Kingpin crouched on the ground and sent a punch into Kingpin's face. Kingpin tried punching him, but Spider-Man dodged and sent a punch back. He had the upper hand... until Kingpin grabbed onto his legs.

Kingpin then stood up and threw Spider-Man into the ground from side to side. Back and forth, Spider-Man felt the cold concrete hit his face. Kingpin ended with throwing Spider-Man straight through a concrete beam. 

Spider-Man was beaten.

He had scars and cuts all over his suit and body. One of his eye lenses were pretty much completely shattered, revealing his brown eyes. Spider-Man saw the danger slowly and menacingly walking towards him and tried to get back up. But he simply couldn't. As much as he tried to. His arms couldn't help him anymore and kept giving in.

While the hero looked beaten to a pulp, Kingpin only had a couple of bruises on his face and that's it.

"You don't have to worry, Spider-Man." Kingpin said as he held up Spider-Man by his collar so they were face-to-face with Spider-Man still partially lying on the ground and Kingpin crouched over. He held up his fist, preparing to lie the final blow, "I am going to purify this city in a way you never could."

Then right before he could lay the finishing blow, Kingpin felt a sharp object puncture his back. Before he could react, they suddenly exploded. Kingpin yelled loudly and dropped the hero.

Kingpin spun around to see where the explosives had come from. He could see nothing in the shadows and darkness. "Who's there??" he yelled out.

But he only heard a childish laughter. Kingpin groaned annoyingly and turned around to look back at the almost-dead hero. 

But he wasn't there.

"The hell??" Then he was suddenly thrown through the air and into the wall of the warehouse he was in. Kingpin got up got back up with an angry growl as someone landed before him. He looked up, seeing the one and only ROBIN in front of him with a wide smirk.

"It took me 5 minutes to track where Prowler took Spider-Man to. Then another couple of seconds to take out your guards of this place. Even Penguin covered his tracks better. And that's saying something." Robin told him proudly.

Kingpin charged at him with a yell, but Robin front-flipped over Kingpin and planted to explosives on his back. Kingpin turned around, not realizing what Robin and done as Robin stood up with his back facing the crime lord, "And you call Spider-Man sloppy." he then pulled out a detonator from behind his cape and held up up beside his face.

Kingpin's eyes widened as he tried to look on his back, finally seeing a beeping red glow on his back. He tried to reach for them, but Robin activated the trigger. And Kingpin was sent flying past Robin. 

Smoke emitted from Kingpin's back as he laid on the ground and Robin smiled at this victory. Suddenly, Kingpin slowly got back up, making Robin's eyes widen.

Robin stepped back wearyingly, "M'gann! Time to get out of here." He called out in his mind.

When Kingpin turned around, Robin was nowhere to be found. Kingpin let out an angry growl as he readjusted his white tux. "Should I go after 'em?" Prowler appeared from the shadows.

Kingpin looked up at the roof, where he saw a hole from which they heroes probably escaped, "No. I sent my message. And we have other plans to deal with him." He turned towards Prowler, "It's going to be a long time before we see him again."

Next chapter will sort of finish this arc for now. Next few 'episodes' will be more focused on the Young Justice and Spider-Man. Obviously I'm gonna sprinkle in some of his solo story in there, but I'm for now on going to have at least ONE of the Young Justice members involved each time.

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