"Okay, I believe you." Jungkook nodded, knowing that the worst thought was coming closer and closer. "I hope you don't hold it against me. I had to ask."

"No, no, I understand," She said and put some breakfast in front of him. "Here, why don't you eat and I'll get a hold of Alec."

"No, it's alright." Jungkook dismissed. "I know that none of you could ever do something like this. You know, deep down, I already know who it was, but I keep trying to find somebody else to blame."

Joanne remained quiet for a while, deep in thought before saying, "She was very angry with you."

"I know. Feelings are mutual."

"Why not start from the beginning? Spend time together, talk to each other, ask questions? You know, just take a short break from all of this arguing. The problems that you both have are, in my opinion, much deeper and warming up to each other might help with being more open about everything that's troubling either you or her." Joanne told him, knowing that he would appreciate her point of view in this. 

"I tried that."

"And then you gave up?"

"I don't think I did." Jungkook chewed on his food and tilted his head from side to side. "It's just that I'm tired of trying by myself. Naomi doesn't try at all." 

A long breath rolled out of his mouth. "But, well, I won't pass all my problems to you." He chuckled and stood up, taking his empty plate along to put it in the sink. He lifted up his cup, "I'll take this with me. Thank you for breakfast."

"Don't mention it. I'll see you in the afternoon." Joanne smiled kindly, letting him go with a warm feeling in her chest.

Jungkook then languidly walked back to his office and once he passed a window, he caught sight of someone parking their car out front. Observing for a moment, he realized who it was. Upon seeing Naomi step out of the drivers seat, everything got clearer and he fastened his steps to walk out the front door, anger piling up inside him. 

He thought that she would stay at Monica's house for a few more days, at least—like he had gathered from what Joanne had told him—but he knew that his wife being back was only for the show.

"Oh, look at that. Husband greeting me at the door," Naomi laughed, almost scoffing out at the surprising sight. "Missed me that much?"

"What's that?" Jungkook nudged his head towards the black Mercedes-Benz that she just got out of, also noticing the entire back seat area filled with shopping bags.

"What does it look like?" Naomi jingled the keys in her hand. "My brand new car. I bought it," She said with a proud brow raise.

"Yeah? With what money?"

Rolling her eyes, Naomi started to walk towards him. "Listen. You forbade me from leaving the house—" 


"Get inside." Jungkook interrupted and grabbed her hand. 

"I am going, if you haven't noticed." She sent a glare and tried to pull her hand away from his hold, but Jungkook managed to pull her inside his office.

"Sit down." He nudged his chin towards the chair.


"Sit. Down." He repeated and Naomi stilled in the same moment. Worry began to paint itself in her eyes and she stared at him wordlessly, feeling shame starting to weigh her shoulders down.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Jungkook asked with eyebrows scrunched together and piercing gaze set on her. "Jimin asked if it could've been you and I said no. I believed that my wife wasn't capable of doing something like this." He scoffed and looked up at the ceiling. He rarely yelled when he was angry but if Naomi could've chosen between the lecture she was given now and him yelling, it would've been the latter. His voice was incredibly scary whenever his tone lowered this way and that was the exact moment when she realized how badly she messed it up.

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