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All the time they want to take your place,
the back stabbers, they smilin' in your face

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚⛧ ゚。⋆

𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎

Loud ringing of the phone made Jimin stir in his sleep. Head feeling heavy and eyes unwilling to open, he was, for a second, convinced that he accidentally made his alarm ring at the wrong time. Turning to the side, his hand reached out and he squinted at the screen that wasn't even too bright, but made his eyes water regardless. After a few attempts to try and get used to the light, he realized that Jungkook was the one calling him.

"Yes?" Jimin answered groggily, closing his eyes and still keeping his head on the pillow.

"Sorry I woke you up, but this is important." Immediately, Jungkook's voice grasped his whole attention because his tone meant that something wasn't right. Jimin sat up slowly, glancing towards the window to see that it was still very dark out.

"What is it?" 

On the other side, Jungkook was searching around his office, opening every single drawer and looking through his schedule planners and other notebooks that he kept around, but the card was nowhere. "Did I give you the card back?"

"Which card? For today's meeting?"


"No. I gave it to you when I got back from Singapore," Jimin said lowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and trying to remember things correctly. "Why? Did you misplace it?"

"I know exactly where I put it but now it's not there. I'm sure I didn't take it out."

"Do you think it was..." Jimin's voice faltered.

"What? Naomi?" Jungkook asked, seemingly unfazed but his heart clenched a little. Jimin hummed, lips pursed because he knew that it definitely was a possibility, considering the way she acted on the daily.

"No, she wouldn't," Jungkook shut that down quickly while shaking his head. "Not a chance," He said, but a hint of doubt kept scorching at his brain. One thing that he was determined about was that he wouldn't believe it until he was sure what exactly happened.

"Okay. But still talk to everyone at home."

"Will do," Jungkook sighed. "So what do we do about the meeting?"

"It's in five hours. We still have time to come up with something," Jimin turned his head to look at the digital clock on his night stand. "Look, I'll get in contact with the bank. I'll tell you what they say. Then I'll talk to Jin and we'll figure something out."

"Alright, thanks." Jungkook hung up and tossed the phone back on his desk, restless and fidgety. The impatience to find the card was immense and nothing could make him keep still. 

"Jo!" He called, already walking towards the kitchen and seeing her behind the counter. "You're here. Good."

"Of course I am," Joanne smiled and turned to face him. "And you're early today," She mentioned and placed a cup full with coffee in front of him. 

"Thanks," Jungkook said and dragged it closer once he sat down. "Yeah, I have a meeting. I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure." She nodded attentively and took a seat opposite him, intrigued as to what he had in mind.

"There's a credit card missing from my office. I put it there a few days back and now it's gone. Have you seen anything?"

Joanne thought for a moment and then shook her head. "I was in the kitchen the whole time. Washing up. I doubt Alec would've done it. He left after lunch."

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