Seventh Edition

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My heart was stuck in a tachycardic state for the remainder of the meal. As people passed behind me to throw their scraps away, they stopped to offer compliments about the performance and pat me on the back. I basked in the praise and attention like a lazy housecat in a beam of sunlight.

“Lucas! You’ve become so popular! You're up there with Sydney Robbins!” Kennedy was met with suspicious stares from all around as he said that. That would be pushing it too far. Nobody could begin to compare themselves to Sydney Robbins without committing the cardinal sin of pride.

“But that was still really good!” Serenity shook Lucas by his shoulders to get it through his thick skull that he’s got serious talent. “We should set up a YouTube channel for you to make covers. That’s how Justin Bieber got discovered.”

“Well, you know I’m a Belieber, babycakes.” Adrian winked in Serenity’s direction.

“It was okay, I guess.” Steven Xu said. “Nothing special. I don’t know why you guys are freaking out.” I had a nagging sense that Steven wasn't being entirely truthful. We've known each other for so long, so I have a sixth sense when it comes to understanding his hidden emotions. Our impromptu performance wasn't perfect, but his dismissal of it made me feel a little sick.

“You didn’t like it?” I hope he couldn’t see my hopes and dreams imploding. None of this attention would be worth it if Steven wasn’t basking in the lime light with me. I could almost see thin chordae tendineae inside Steven threatening to snap. Whether it was from anger or sadness, I couldn't exactly tell.

“Sorry Tang. I just wasn’t feeling it.” I felt like he couldn’t breathe. So I sat there. Not moving. Hardly breathing. Did I do something wrong? Could Steven angry with me? A million questions burned through my neurons. I knew I needed to do something. I had to figure out what was going on with Steven before it is too late.

꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏

But time trudged onward, uncaring of my mood. I quickly finished up my breakfast and headed to his my period, Aeronautical Engineering II. The walk to McClure Hall seemed daunting in the freezing New Mexico weather. I rubbed my hands together, trying to stave off the cold as a dramatic huff escaped me in a smoky haze. I am a good cadet who follows the rules. I wouldn’t dare put my hands in my pockets.

But my tolerance of the cold was wanning. A split second before I shoved his hands in my pockets, I felt a hand perch on my shoulder and spin me around.

“Hey Lucas.” Tom Smith had a dazzling smile. His pert lips looked so undeniably juicy. And his musk? Just kill me now. Grant me mercy, God please.

“Hey Tom. What’s up?” I wanted to run for the hills, but the smell of Tom in the sharp morning air was so overpowering, I thought my knees would give out.

“Nothing, Just wondering if you had any free periods tomorrow?” Tom nervously fiddles with the strap of his black backpack. “I’ve got a free schedule, and I’d like to spend more time together.” Eyes bulging out of my skull, I was frantic to respond.

“Really?” I hope he can't see how overjoyed I am. “I’ve got a free fourth tomorrow. Does that work for you?”

“Yeah, that’s like, perfect.” Tom grinned as I tried to burrow deeper into my jacket. Tom frowned at the sight. “You cold or something?” I accidentally give him a pathetic little pout.

“Yeah, little bit.” I tried to play it off, but I am shivering from my head to my toes.

“Winters in Australia are brutal.” Tom wraps my hands in his own. I couldn’t help but marvel at how warm Tom’s hands were. Even better than those Hot-Hand devices people cling onto at morning formation. “I also take ice baths to condition myself against the cold. This is nothing to me.” I was at a loss for words. What could I even say to that? Does Tom delight in making people feel uncomfortable?

“I guess I’m the opposite." I manage to respond. "When it’s cold I huddle under the blankets ands try to pretend I don’t exist.” That gets a laugh out of Tom. His shoulders shook with the force. That suddenly made me feel small. Like I needed to defend himself. I'm not the insecure, incapable omega that people think I am. I have some resilience buried deeply beneath the surface and determination oozes out of me in droves. “But I don’t have a choice when I’m guarding the flame. I just shoulder it all and pretend it doesn’t bother me.”

“Oh. Really?” Tom smirks. “You’re tough, aren’t you?” He single handedly managed to make me feel worse. What exactly was this douche implying?

“I am.” I tilted my head up at him, a bratty glint in my eyes. “Tough, that is.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Tom throws his hands up in a playful surrender, but I wasn’t in the mood for playing anymore. I want blood.

“You got anything in mind for tomorrow? What are we doing?” I ask.

“Figured we’d just go to the JRT and… hang out. Do homework. I don’t know. I haven’t put much thought into it.”

“No worries.” I felt himself getting more concise and curt. “We can iron out the details later. I’ll see you around, Sir.” Tom looked like his guts were twisting around a hot skewer as I yanked my hands out of his grip.

I stalked towards McClure Hall like a man on a mission, but Tom couldn’t help trailing after me like a lost puppy, stars glittering in his eyes. “Lucas. I’m sorry. Don’t shut me out. What did I do?” I felt Tom’s gaze bear down on me from above, which only served to remind me of my inferiority complex.

“Don’t patronize me.” I shook my head with a sneer.

“I’m sorry Lucas. What happened? It was all going so well. Help me understand.”

I whorled around to face Tom. “You just don’t get it! You won’t get it.” I could hardly think as the words poured out of me, uncontrollable. “Everybody knows who you are and they love you! I don’t get that same treatment. I’m stuck being a stupid omega. And you-” I statically gestured at Tom’s entire body. “You’re Mr. God-Sent Football Player! You’re fucking massive!”

Tom grimaced at that comment. “I actually have severe body dysmorphia.”

“Oh.” I genuinely considered it for a second before deciding I didn’t give a shit. “That really sucks.” My arms crossed defensively across my chest. “Now imagine that, but the
opposite. Everybody looks at me like I’m deformed. An abnormal, disgusting creature. You don’t
understand because you’re an alpha.”
Tom closed his eyes, a migraine starting to beat him down.

“Help me understand, Lucas.” Tom bit his lip pitifully. “I want to learn more about you.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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