Second Edition

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I was still reeling from the wounds Steven had imparted on me.

Although I had won the fight, and Steven was off licking his wounds in the infirmary, I lost a part of myself when I took up arms against my best friend. When I close my eyes, I can still see it. The claws. The hair pulled from the scalp. The bloody bite mark on Steven’s palm.

I know forgiveness couldn’t be that simple

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I know forgiveness couldn’t be that simple. Something like this is never easy, all the LGBTQIO+ alliances said so on their self-help pages, and I've been doing extensive research.

I couldn’t help but feel like I was drowning. Sure, I've been outed to the entire school, but I'm mourning the loss of my best friend more than my damaged reputation. It's hard to get out of bed.

Every step brought new challenges and chores and I've never felt more incapable of completing than I do now. People looked at me differently. They stared through me instead of at me. Like I'm some sort of living, walking ghost. Omegas have historically operated at the lowest levels of the caste system, and I foolishly
thought that I could avoid the repercussions if I hid who I truly was.

As we should learn, nothing good ever comes from hiding who you are.

꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏

Steven Xu locked eyes with me before he could stop himself. It was growing near impossible for us to avoid each other. We just had so many shared classes and clubs that we constantly butt heads with each other wherever we go.

Trading insults and arguing over this and that and one thing or the other. It was all meaningly disputes, and we knew it too. We just couldn’t stop.

But I went too far. Didn’t even register the words until they left me with a disgusted sneer. “I always thought you were annoying.” I said without thinking.

Steven’s mouth went dry. There was nothing left to say. That was his biggest insecurity and I knew it. Had Steven really pushed his best friend so far away without realizing it? Had we really hurt each other that deeply? The more Steven thought about it, the more it began to show on his face.

And I, ever perceptive of my ex-bestie’s thoughts, knew I was thinking the same thing. The scars would remain. The
wounds may scab over, but we would be stuck with them until we turn to dust.

We were still trying to heal, and Steven had deeply hoped that, at the very least, I wouldn’t rub salt in the wound.

I didn't live up to his expectations.

Steven didn’t even need to pull out the puppy dog eyes trump card before I fell at his feet.

“BRO I’M SO SORRY!” I teared up as K clutched at Steven’s shoulders wildly.

“NO I’M SORRY I’M SORRY WHAT THE FUCK BRO?” Steven cried even louder.

We fell to our knees and cried into each other’s arms before we  even knew what happened.

꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏

But it wasn’t that serious. (It was never that serious!)

We stood up. Wiped our tears away. Crawled into a brighter place.

Before we could stop themselves, we had fallen back into a familiar rapport. It was more natural to us than breathing.

Suddenly, Steven broke the silence.

“Oh, did I tell you that it’s my birthday?” My heart clenched. (And my asshole 😉)

“We should celebrate, Xu. I’ll grab you a slice of cake at dinner tonight.”

“Nah.” Steven objected. “There’s only one kind of cake I want tonight.” He tried to discreetly glance at my lower cheeks, but it didn’t work. I made my face go blank. I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“You’re not funny.” I growled.

“And you’re a beta ass bitch.” The birthday boy scoffed.

“Well at least I’m not a basic ass bitch, whore.” Steven condescendingly patted my back. (And we walked off into the sunset; happily ever after and even happier birthday wishes to by bestie Steven! I'm sorry for overreacting about the swishie stuff. Thanks for giving me back my top.)

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