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I was at home, I was always at home, except if I'm in muggle world spying and exploring it. That is my task I have to do for the Dark Lord.

I was in my room doing homework my father gave me. Yes, my father. He never let me go to Hogwarts after what happend to my mother, so he's been homeschooling me. And of course I know more spells than half of kids my age, even the forbbiden ones.

Someone knocked on my door. It was my father.

"Hey sweetie, I just came to tell you that the Dark Lord called. There's another meeting so I won't be home 'till late." He said with a soft smile.

I give him a small smile back. "Okay."

"Stay safe." He told me and kissed my forehead, then left.


The next morning after I woke up, I went downstairs to see Maria, our privat chef, making pancakes. I love pancakes.

Maria wasn't old, she's a few years younger than my father, and my father wasn't that old eather.

"Morning." I mumble while rubbing my eyes. I was still in my pajamas, I didn't care honestly. The only people who can see me right now are my father and Maria.

"Good morning, honey. How did you sleep?" She asked me, there was a big smile on her face.

"Hm, pretty well actually." I give her a little laugh. "You're making pancakes? They're my favorite." My eyes lighten up.

"I know, here you go." She then put a plate with pancakes in front of me, gave me the sirup and bowl of fruit. "Bon appétit!"

I started eating pancakes and watch Maria making some more, she then turned again and look at me.

"Your father asked me if I could tell you to go to his office after you eat." She told me, and I nod. I couldn't speak, my mouth was full with pancakes, plus it's rude to speak with your mouth full.

After I ate, I went to my room to get dressed. I wore a black skirt with a white long sleeve shirt. I did a light make up and let my hair fall down naturaly curly.

I walked through the hallway and knocked on my fathers office door.

"Come in!" I hear my father say, yell somewhat. I came into the office and closed the door.

"Yes, father?" I asked not knowing what is going on. "Sit." He said pointing at the leather chair in front of his desk.

I sat down, crossing my legs, waiting for him to speak. He looked at me, but he still didn't say anything.

"Yesterday at the meeting..." He started saying but stoped right after to swollow "...the Dark Lord and I made a deal." I was watching and listening him carefuly.

"Now before I tell you about the deal, I just want you to know that this is for all of us. I know you won't take it well, and I'm sorry."
After I heared his words I didn't know how to act. Should I act scared or should I be excited to hear about the deal.

"The Dark Lord and I made an arranged marriage between you and his son, Mattheo." He said calmly.

I blinked a few times, my jaw basicly on the floor from shock.



First chapter, yayy.

I know it's short, I'll try and make longer ones. <3

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