Chapter 6 - A stitch in the dark

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I gestured towards the bathroom, my tone gentle yet firm. "Go take a shower, Sam. It might help you feel a bit more human. Then we can wrap you up."

He nodded appreciatively, pushing himself up from the couch. The towel clung to his bruised and battered frame, and for a moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy.

As he disappeared into the bathroom, I busied myself with the aftermath of our impromptu first aid session. Bloodied tissues, medical supplies, and a sense of unease lingered in the air. The rhythmic hum of the washing machine added an odd soundtrack to the night.

I glanced at the clock—almost 2 in the morning. The realization hit me that I had work in a few hours. My job as a receptionist at the firearm training academy demanded a level of alertness I wasn't sure I could muster after this unexpected turn of events.

The bathroom door opened, and Sam emerged, steam billowing around him. His wet hair clung to his forehead, and droplets traced down his chiselled chest. The image was a stark contrast to the beaten man I had found on my doorstep.

I tried to focus on the task at hand. "Here, let me wrap that gash for you." I motioned towards the clean bandages and surgical spirit on the coffee table.

He nodded, sitting back on the couch. I gently unravelled the makeshift dressing I had applied earlier, revealing the angry wound on his abdomen. My hands moved with practiced caution as I cleaned and re-dressed the injury. His occasional winces hinted at the pain he was undoubtedly feeling.

"You're surprisingly good at this," he commented, a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"I've had my fair share of first aid training," I replied, my gaze focused on the task. "Occupational hazard at the academy."

The room fell into a brief silence, broken only by the muted sounds of the city outside. I couldn't shake the feeling of being caught in a whirlwind of chaos, unsure of where it would lead.

After securing the fresh bandage, I handed him my blue and white gown. "It's not much, but it should do until your clothes are dry."

He nodded appreciatively, wrapping the gown around himself. The garment clung tight on his frame, and a faint, weary smile played on his lips.

Thanks, Piper," Sam replied, his voice carrying a weariness that matched the late hour.

I nodded in acknowledgment, feeling the weight of the night settling in my bones. "I should probably ask for the day off," I stated, glancing at the clock once again. The digits seemed to mock me, confirming the lateness of the hour. "Yeah," Sam agreed, his gaze distant, lost in the events that had unfolded.

"What a crazy night," I mused aloud, trying to process the surreal turn of events. Sam shot me an apologetic look, a silent acknowledgment of the chaos he had brought into my life. "I don't ever want to go through this again," I admitted, a shiver running down my spine at the memory of the encounter.

Sam sighed, a heavy sound that resonated in the silence of my apartment. "Where are you staying tonight?" I asked, seeking some semblance of normalcy as I busied myself making another cup of coffee. The rhythmic gurgling of the coffee maker filled the quiet room.

"I could get a hotel, I suppose, though it's almost time for the world to wake," Sam replied, his gaze following my every movement. I nodded, understanding the transient nature of the early morning hours, where the city stirred to life yet remained cloaked in a peaceful stillness.

"Want some coffee?" I offered, holding up a cup, the rich aroma wafting through the air.

He shook his head no, a subtle decline that carried a mix of gratitude and weariness. "Don't worry, Piper. As soon as my clothes dry, I'll be out of here," Sam assured me, a sense of duty in his eyes. .

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