Minjeong continued to look out the window, trying to figure out their destination. After ten minutes, they arrived at an apartment building, and Jimin parked the car outside. "I thought you lived with your parents?" Minjeong asked curiously, but Jimin remained silent. She got out of the car and went to Minjeong's side to open the door for her.

"Let's go, m'lady," Jimin said, taking Minjeong's hand to help her out of the car.

"I never knew you were this romantic," Minjeong chuckled when Jimin winked at her, and Minjeong couldn't wait to find out about jimin more.

As they walked towards the elevator, Minjeong couldn't help but feel a little bit curious about what Jimin had planned for the night. she figured out that they were going to the rooftop, she had no idea what awaited her. "You're not gonna push me off or anything, right?" she joked.

Jimin chuckled, shaking her head. "You'll see," she replied.

Finally, the elevator arrived and when the doors opened, Minjeong saw another door that led outside. As Jimin opened it, Minjeong gasped in awe at the breathtaking view that lay before her.

There were candles scattered all around, pillows and blankets laid out on a picnic mattress. In front of it, there was a small TV with Netflix already on. It was clear that Jimin had planned a perfect movie and picnic date.

Minjeong was speechless as she looked around, taking in every detail of the beautiful setting. "Jimin," she managed to say, "this is so cliché, I love it!" She turned around and launched herself at her, hugging her tightly.

Jimin laughed "Was that supposed to be a compliment?" Minjeong nodded excitedly, still hugging her, and they finally pulled away from each other. "Come on, let's sit," Jimin said, leading her towards the picnic mattress.

As they settled down, Jimin let Minjeong pick the movie they were going to watch, feeling happy that everything had turned out perfectly for their romantic rooftop date.

Jimin had decided to make sandwiches and bring wine for their movie night with Minjeong, knowing it was one of her favorite things. While they were watching the movie, Jimin noticed that Minjeong was shivering. It was cold outside. So, without a second thought, she took off her jacket and gave it to Minjeong.

"No, it's fine. I'll just use the blanket," Minjeong said, trying to refuse the offer.

But Jimin wouldn't hear of it. She pulled Minjeong closer and wrapped the jacket around her. Minjeong looked up at Jimin and couldn't help but get lost in her beautiful eyes. Jimin had her arms on Minjeong's shoulders, and Minjeong could feel the warmth radiating from her body.

Minjeong's eyes kept wandering to Jimin's lips. She couldn't take her eyes off them until she found herself pulling Jimin closer and leaning in, letting their noses touch. Jimin's breathing was hot on her lips, and the sensation sent shivers down her spine. Everything around them seemed to stop, and the only thing they could hear was their heavy breathing.

Jimin couldn't take it anymore, and she leaned in, capturing Minjeong's lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. Their lips moved together in sync, without any tongue. It was a kiss full of love and tenderness. After a few seconds, Minjeong pulled away to catch her breath.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Jimin?" Minjeong whispered, looking at her with bright eyes.
Instead of answering, Jimin smiled and leaned in again, pecking Minjeong's lips.

Jimin pouted and said, "It's not fair. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend because I planned the date." Minjeong couldn't help but smile at how cute Jimin was, and she leaned in to give her a peck on the lips.

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