3. Job Started

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!Warning! Body morphing(body changing from one form to another), talk about killing animals, gore,

Flashback or memory
Slenderman speaking telepathically
~Author notes or Pov change~

~Ragdoll's Pov 3rd person~

The black haired man spent the rest of the time before dinner learning about his three targets and their dog. One was the curled brown haired lady, one was a dirty blond man with a rat tail and the last one was also a dirty blond man but with a buzz cut. It seemed the two men were related, brother probably, and it was safe to assume that they either one or both were dating the woman.

Next to the picture of the man with the rat tail was his basic information, he is 21 and 5'7, weighing around 156. For the man with the short hair, he is 20 and 5'5, weighing around 148. Both men had the same last name so it solidified the assumption of them being related.

The dog was a mix of too many dogs to count but also got most of the short genes because it was barely higher than 2 feet. With a dog that size, it would be easy to just kill it quickly, but Slenderman said no killing unless necessary, so knocking it out would have to do. Dinner is ready Ragdoll got the message after figuring out a good escape route for when he was done.

Looking at the time, he saw that it was close to sundown, which meant Y/n would be out patrolling soon. The golden eyed man hated not being out with them to make sure everything went ok, but he had a job to do. With that final thought, he headed down to the dining room to sit with the rest of the psychos in this mansion.

His seat was always to the right of Slenderman, who always sat at the head of the table with Masky to his left. Hoodie sat next to Masky and Sally always tried to sit as close to Ragdoll as she could. The rest were the girls sticking to one spot with everyone else choosing randomly.

They all had their preferred food in front of them, some eating organs and some eating nothing at all. The miscolored man was one of those people, never eating at the dining table and never seen eating in general. He didn't need to since he was a walking corpse, but it was nice to pretend to be alive.

"Why are you so weird?" Jeff asked, staring at Toby, who was trying to fit a whole waffle in his mouth, part of it sticking out of the hole in his mouth. "I'm n-n-nob weirb." The brown haired boy muffled back with syrup dripping onto his plate from the half-in-half-out waffle. Toby seemed to jolt though, Slenderman staring at him with his blank face with an aura around him.

"S-s-sorry Slen-slender." He muttered after eating the waffle, the boy looked away with shame and fear written all over. Ragdoll, I need you to go do your mission the said man nodded at his maker before standing. At the sudden sound of a chair scratching the wooden floors, everyone looked over.

Most went back to their conversations after seeing it was just Ragdoll getting up to do something, no one really expecting him to eat anyway. Everyone knew he had a mission, the only reason he gets called to Slenderman's office and comes out with a file was because he had one.

Ragdoll walks off to change into his mission clothes and head towards the target location. While he was putting on his grip gloves, a familiar knock at his door and it being opened without an answer made him look over. The first thing he locks his golden eyes with is a pair of e/c eyes that shine with a murderous glint.

Y/n notices his attire with a neutral look, the murderous glint turning sad when they realize the black haired man wouldn't be joining them tonight for patrol. "I have a quick warning mission to do that shouldn't take long, N/n." Ragdoll informed the h/c haired person that stood in his doorway. A smile returned to their s/t face at the sound of not having to wait too long to see the miscolored man again.

"I'll make sure to get you an eyeball for you while I wait, I'll pick a pretty one too!" The unsettling promise was met with a grateful smile from the tall man. "I can't wait to see which one you pick, I need to get going though so I can complete the mission." Ragdoll pats Y/n's head before walking past them to leave. The cursed person shuts the door before following the man as he walked towards the front door.

They waved goodbye from the door as he walked down the dirt path that led into the woods, he walked back before disappearing into the tree line.

~Y/n's Pov 3rd person ~

The e/c eyed person waited a few seconds on the porch after the golden eyed man vanished into the treeline. They would miss him for the first few hours he would be gone while they patrolled the woods. The sun was sitting soon so their body would start to morph into the beast they were cursed to be.

Not seeing the point in going back in only to come back out due to shifting, Y/n started walking around till it happened. It always came too suddenly but not quick enough, when it happened though it was like a relief. A part of them that was let free and aloud to roam the dense woods they lived in.

Just then their body started to twist and bend into the shape of their beastly form, bone snapping and flesh stretching. It was always painful to shift from human to monster then back but that wasn't what the h/c haired person felt. It felt weird to bend in odd ways and feel your insides grow and shrink but they could never tell what that feeling was.

Their monstrous form was never one thing, some would see them having scales, another saw fur or a smokey coat of sorts. Multiple eyes, no eyes, standing on four legs or more but a few things stayed to same. Whenever they had eyes it was the same e/c eyes that stared back and they always had a mouth full of teeth to use.

Ragdoll had described them once, saying they were a beautiful beast covered in silky fur that stood tall on six legs with three eyes that shined with glee when they killed. The others always described them as odd looking or frightening to see in the dark woods. It was safe to say that Y/n liked how Ragdoll described their beast form the best, picturing their beauty instead of their frightening look.

So lost in their thoughts, they didn't hear the footsteps up ahead and almost walked into the path of a late night hiker. They halted just in time to stop in the lush bushes on the sides of the path that hid their bulky form just enough. At the sudden sound of the nearby foliage moving though, the hiker stopped slightly ahead of it and turned slightly to see behind them.

It was a man around his 30's maybe with dirty blond hair and a slight beard growing neatly on his slightly tanned face. He carried a heavy backpack and wore a thick jacket with slightly baggy pants and hiking boots. Wen nothing else made noise, he started moving again, this time slightly faster to get away from the spot.

He's not supposed to be here, Y/n agreed in their head and started to follow the trespassing man. The late night noises that usally happened in normal woods didn't happen in this one. No random owl making a noise or a wolf howl far off in the distance, just eerie silence that was louder than actual noise.

With that in mind, the man started walking faster, which turned into a speed walk then a jog and then a straight up run. Breaking the silence was a gut turning noise that was a mix of a howl and an unworldly sound that no animal he knew could make. What followed was a sight that would haunt his last seconds, a monster seemingly appeared in front of him with a glowing e/c eye.

His screams were the only sound that followed after the unnaturally growl which was followed by bones and flesh breaking. Soon it was silent in Slenderman's woods again, the body hidden in the same lush bushes that lined the path. With the first kill of the night over, the long patrol ahead seemed not as long with the thought of the tall man in the back of the beast's mind.

~Literally forgot I started another book, also wanted to focus on Y/n a bit more in this chapter~

Words: 1525

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