1: Cursed Child

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!Warning! Gore, violence and slight cursing

Flashback or memory
Slenderman speaking telepathically
~Author notes or Pov changes~

~3rd person pov~
(In the past)

A cold Autumn night, wind howled in the ears of a lone person who carried a baby wrapped in a blanket. The child had their eyes closed, not bothered by the cold nipping at their s/t skin. A rhombus shaped mark was on their forehead, pointed ears poking out of their head.

The child was cursed at birth, the unfortunate consequence for the mothers unholy deal she had made. As the lone figure rushed into a dense forest, a tall shadow watched from the distance. Once in the closest clearing she find, the figure placed the baby on the cold grass while the wind grew harder.

In return for your wanted desires, your first born child shall be cursed to turn into a beast at night with a hunger for the living

The sinister voice rang in her ears as she kissed the baby's head gently, whispering a prayer under her breath. "Please forgive my sins, my Lord. I knew the price and still took the offer, please have mercy on my demonic child, for they have not asked for this life I chose for them." With her final beg to her God, she fled the forest. A few silent moments passed before a faceless man approached the bundled up baby who laid on the grass.

At the sight of the man, the baby seemed to smile and reached to hold his outstretched white hand. The clawed fingers picked up the baby with care, holding them softly in his arms. Hello the baby giggled at the new stranger, hearing the voice clearly in their mind. They reached out again the touch the lengthy man, wanting to feel his pure white face that looked down at them.

You are mine now, I will train you to be a great beast the baby didn't know what that ment but smiled happily anyway. With no look back, he took the child away to his mansion. A dark shadow loomed over the now empty clearing, searching for the now missing child before realizing that they weren't there.

It roared out in anger before glaring in the way Slenderman and the missing child went, it did not follow but in lingered for longer than it should have before deciding to stalk away.

(In the present)

In the shadows, a beast stalked a group of teens who dared to enter their master's domain. They laughed and pushed eachother as if this was a normal forest that wasn't called Slenderman's woods. One staggered into another, setting off a shrill laughter from both of them before they started walking again.

They were obviously drinking before coming here, most likely dared to walk into the creepy and legendary forest. "Oh my God! This forest is soooooo weird, I can't belive we haven't like cut some trees down to make more sunlight shine in." A blond with barely any clothing on slurred out.

'How dare she day something like that! I'm gonna tear her apart slowly!'

The monster in the shadows growled loudly, finally done watching these teens stumbling around in a place they shouldn't be. At the sudden sound, all of them stopped and looked around to try and see where it came from. "I might be drunk but I know for sure that I heard something." A black headed girl stated while they all huddled together.

To mess with them, the beast growled again before swiftly making it to the other side and purposely stepping on twigs. The teen closest let out a startled scream before running off into the wood, in the opposite way of the exit. "Sabrina! That's the wrong way!" A brown haired boy ran after the frightened girl.

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