Chapter 2: The Gray Eyed Man

Start from the beginning

A surprise? "What's the surprise?" Bzzt. Her gaze flickered to her phone. "It's the hospital." She sighed. "Hopefully, they came to a decision."

"Then it's best not to keep them waiting." His arms wrapped around her waist. "And don't forget, I'm cooking dinner tonight." Her stomach rumbled.

"Oh trust me, I won't forget." If there was one thing they had in common, they were both absolute foodies. Most of their dates were them cooking for each other, eating out, or just settling with snacks and a movie. And every date, she fell in love just a little bit more.

She kissed his cheek. "Alright, I'm off!" Waving, she headed out the door. The cold wind nipped at her skin while snow glistened in the light. If I hurry, I can grab a cup of coffee. After all, a nurse's best friend was caffeine. Thankfully, the morning rush was dying by the time she reached her favorite cafe. The smell of roasted coffee assaulted her nose as the bell above announced her arrival.

The barista smiled. "Eileen, hey long time no see!"

"Hey, Carly." She reached the counter. "Glad to see you're still working here." Work had practically held her in a death grip with the cutting hours needing to be filled. It was great for her wallet, bad for everything else.

"For one last semester." She scrambled down Eileen's usual. "I have an internship near a chemical plant this summer."

"That's amazing!" Eileen slid her card. "I'm going to miss your pecan muffins though."

"You and everyone else."

"Well, they are some great muffins." She smiled. "And I'm going to miss your warm greetings."

"Aww, I'm going to miss you too." Carly's smile softened. "I really hope you get the job." Eileen's smile slipped for a second. "Thank you." Stepping back, her gaze drifted out the window. Please, please let me get this job.

Despite Ursus's words, Eileen couldn't help but worry. While the apartment was cute and comfy, she was starting to itch for something more, something bigger. Something that would allow for her to soon hear the sounds of little feets. And with the constant student debt, our bills, and the car payment and them cutting hours...

"A caramel macchiato for Elieen." Grabbing her coffee, Eileen didn't notice the man behind her until it was too late. Umph! Dark brown soaked his white button up shirt.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Frantic hands dabbed at the stranger's shirt. "I'm such a klutz at times."

"Hey, it's alright." Looking up, Eileen froze. Two gray eyes, the same color as Ursus's singular one, stared down at her. In fact, the more she looked at him, the more she saw an older Ursus. "It was an accident." Eileen's breath hitched. Those familiar lips turned into a cautious smile. "You ok?"

"I'm...I'm fine." She shook her head.

"Are you sure you're alright?" An eyebrow rose. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Yeah, I just...need..." Without waiting for a reply, she sprinted out the door. Her mind raced. Ursus said he didn't have any family members. Maybe he's a doppelganger? Those are technically a thing.

Her gaze snapped up. Shaking her head, she sighed. Focus Eileen. Focus. She needed to get to the hospital. She needed to see if she got the job. As the familiar doors came into view, her heart leaped. There it is.

Entering through the door, her eyes glanced around the room. Families waited for news while the smell of disinfected filled her nose. The steel doors opened. "Eileen, hey." Loreen stepped out with her clipboard. "You're here."

"Yeah," she hesitated. "I am."

"Good, the head nurse wants to see you."

The head nurse? Eileen's hope crumbled at Loreen's sympathetic expression. Please, no please. With each step, dread grew in her chest, seeping deep into the pit of her stomach. She knocked against the head nurse's door.

"You wanted to see me, Heather?" As one of the oldest nurses, Heather's experience earned the respect of everyone in the hospital, including Eileen's. Now as she lowered her glasses, her guilty expression made Eileen want to run the other way.

"Come in and sit down." The leather chair squeaked under her. "Eileen, I know you've been waiting to hear the results of this internship." Leaning forward, Heather folded her fingers together. "Let me start by saying you're a wonderful nurse. Actually you may be one of the best nurses we ever had."


"That's why it pains me to say that we can't hire you. Management made more cuts to the team, and unfortunately that means not being able to hire more nurses." As she said the words, Eileen's nails dug into the seat. A small part of her had suspected it. Still, that didn't soften the blow to her chest.

As her eyes burned, Eileen stood up. "Thank you," she whispered. "For giving me this amazing opportunity."

"And thank you for being an amazing intern." Heather held out her hand. "I'm sorry it had to end this way."

Eileen shook her hand. I'm sorry too. Her vision blurred as Eileen turned away. It was all too much. The pain from the rejection threatened to suffocate her. She rushed out of the office. With each step, the feelings overwhelmed her, threatening to drag her under. Her steps quickened until she raced out the lobby. She needed to get far away from this place. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't-

"Eileen!" Loreen's voice echoed in her ears.

Screeching snapped her gaze toward the racing car. Her feet remained frozen as the headlights beared down on her.

The last thing she remembered was a weight crashing into her.

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