Rivendell, Day #1

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 Walking through the stone steps of Rivendell didn't take long, as (Y/N) found herself in the center of the circle of dwarves. 

 Out came an elf, a male, with long brown hair, wearing a headpiece as he had his arms folded elegantly. 

He greeted Gandalf, who happened to be at the very front, both of the males talking. 

(Y/N) looked around, trying to find her old friend nearby, she was hoping he didn't forget about her. 

 She fiddled around with a part of her hood as she waited anxiously. She then felt a tug at her hood from below, as she looked down. 

"Are you familiar with this place, Slayer?" Bilbo asked, his question catching the attention of some of the dwarves close to them. 

The female stayed silent before answering, "No, I've never been here, but a friend of mine has, and I hope I see him once more." The woman answered, of course, having a bit of trouble with maintaining a deep voice, but still somehow managed. 

  The hobbit nodded in understanding, and then looked away. 

 The dragon-maid can only sigh as she looked back up and forward, where she can see Gandalf still speaking to the elf, who had someone caught in his eye. 

 Lindir had just informed Gandalf that Lord Elrond had left with a small army of his, but as soon as he finished the sentence, a horn blared throughout Rivendell. 

 It was Lord Elrond and his small fleet of soldiers!

 The soldiers were riding elegant white horses, and had galloped quickly towards the sixteen foreigners. 

 As the soldiers neared, one by one they would begin to surround the dwarves, the hobbit, 'slayer' and wizard. That is, until Lord Elrond himself had revealed himself to the company. 

 He greeted the wizard, and asked his soldiers to stop going in circles. 

 The company was given some space as Gandalf and Lord Elrond begun to speak to each other, of course, the dwarves were getting quite annoyed with how long this was taking. Especially Thorin. 

 Any other second that he had to stand here, he was seriously going to chop an elf's head. 

 Lord Elrond then spoke to Gandalf in elvish, of course, not knowing what he was saying, one of the dwarves, Gloin, seemed angered. 

"What is he saying!? Does he offer us an insult!?" He asked out loud, almost offendedly as he was about to take out his weapon, some of the others following in suit before the tall woman, or slayer, stood up for the Elf Lord. 

 "No, he offers us food, and a place to sleep." She spoke up, or he spoke up. 

 Gloin and the others seemed to have calmed down once they had heard about food and rest. It was funny with how quick they transitioned from armed and stiff motions to comfortable and happy moods. 

 Lord Elrond asked Lindir to start preparations on dinner and of course bedrooms for all sixteen people.

The walk down the hallway to a dining room where food was promised. (Y/N) couldn't help but admire the beautiful atmosphere Rivendell really was. Just, being here was so calming, and no wonder the elves looked so at peace. 

 She was almost jealous of the elves of Rivendell, almost. However, she did hold pride of her home, sure, it may not be as quiet and fancy, but even then, her home was on a mountain, some towns surrounding it, while others worked their way up the mountain.

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