Radagast the Brown and the Gate of Rivendell

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 Morning had risen, as all of the dwarves were now free from their binds, and collecting their taken weapons. 

 (Y/N) stood in front of the stone-frozen troll, the one who almost dealt with her wrath if it weren't for the save of the sun. 

 Ironically, the sun was the one who made him into a stone, all vulnerable to her. 

She stared at the troll before walking closer to it. 

"Poor thing, having been cursed to be born like this, maybe you will reborn into something better the next life." 

With her fist, she punched through it's stomach, the stone troll crumbling as soon as she took out her hand.

 The only thing left, was it's head, unscathed, with the face or fear. 

She wiped her hand on her hood before walking up towards the company, who were just watching her violate the stone-frozen body of troll.

 "You really do hate trolls don't ya lad?" Bofur asked as he walked beside her, the group following Gandalf to a hole.

She merely glanced at him before looking forward. "Trolls have been a nuissance to my homeland, my job was to cleanse them off of our borders." She spoke with a deep voice, it was hard to, especially when it came to forming long or so sentences.

Bofur nodded at this and smiled. "So, that's why you managed to kill'em off so easily!" He patted the slayer's arm before fixing his hat. 

The company reached the troll's hole and walked inside of it. 

There was many golden coins and chests filled with precious stones, some parts of the hole had some ancient weapons deriving from the first age. 

Kili, Fili and a few others begun shoving as much gold they could in a chest as others began digging a hole. 

(Y/N) looked around the cave, the smell to her was putrid, especially when those three trolls have been living here when light was around. 

 She observed and looked at every sword, bow or heck, even the pieces of metal there was. Each and everything here was worth something, and she could add it to her collection of things that she found during her travels around Middle Earth. 

In the corner of her eye, she can see something, flashing. She walked up to it, and flinched once she realized what it was. 

A black arrow.

She gulped as she gripped onto the handle of her sword with a tighter force. 

Black arrows, were notorious for being able to kill a dragon if it were to pierce through them. 

It was made out of the same metal her sword was, however, it was forged by people, with energy to kill her kin.

Her sword, was forged to protect her. 

As soon as she was going to walk away, Balin gasped as he walked up to it. 

"My! A black arrow! You have a bow don't you lad? This will help you slay the dragon quicker!" He smiled as he took out the dusty arrow, blowing off and moving any cobwebs on it and handed it to her. 

She hesitated, before she grabbed it, the feeling on her hand made her shiver, the weight on this thing was heavier for her than to anyone else. 

With slow moves, as to not accidently impale herself, she carefully placed it on her back, where her bag was. 

She let it go as it plopped itself comfortably in her bag. 

"You okay there, slayer?" Balin asked as he looked up at their dragonslayer in worry. Some of the dwarves listening in as they watched their interaction.

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