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        The sounds of laughing, and the clinking of drinks and forks scratching at plates echoed in the bar. Conversations of bounties and recent accomplishments was the only thing that a certain female could listen into as she took a sip of her drink. 

  After finishing her drink, she hurriedly placed back her mask on, one in which definitely scared others from approaching her, which was intended when she chose it. She tugged at her hood, preventing it from falling off of her head. 

  She took out some golden coins and placed them on the counter of the bar as she got off of her stool and began walking out of the pub, but just before she could leave, a familiar grey hat had caught her eye. 

 She stopped in her tracks and looked at the figure walking up to her. Compared to her, he was smaller than her by a lot. He only reached up to her shoulders. 

"Old friend, it is nice to see you once again!" Gandalf the gray was his name. He was a great wizard, kind and friendly to any living creature. Of course, the woman counted as one of these creatures. 

 With the deepest voice the woman can make up, she responded. "It is pleasant to see you once more, Gandalf." She shook his hand as he pleaded her to sit back on the stool she just left from. 

Once they had sat down, he asked for some wine from the bartender as the woman didn't ask for anything, having already drank enough. 

 "Gandalf, I assume you need something from me?" The woman spoke in a deep voice as she face him. 

  The wizard can only nod slowly in agreement, suprised, yet not at the same time that she found out his true intentions of finding her here. 

"I wanted to ask a favor from you, this is regarding.." He looked around before whispering to her. "..smaug.."

 The woman looked at him in intrigue as she was definitely caught off guard, she nodded to him, as if to ask him to continue. 

 The wizard continued to whisper, "Since a few full moons ago, there had been multiple signs that it is time to take back the kingdom of Erebor..There will be thirteen dwarves joining us, from and some from the line of Durin will be there. Then,you, the dragonslayer, and finally a hobbit, as our burgular." Gandalf finished as he had just recieved his red wine, and sipping from it as he awaited the response from the woman. 

 The woman sat in silence, as she absorbed the information given to her. She fiddled with her clawed hands as she sighed. "..So, I'm tasked with..slaying him?" 

A moment of silence was pronounced with an exception of the people in the bar enjoying themselves with warm meals and tasty refreshing drinks. Bangs and laughter had resonated throughout the entire place. 

 The tall woman sighed once more, before taking out her hand and waiting for the wizard. "I accept, I have to do this, besides, I owe you." 

 The wizard smiled, and shook her hand once more. 

 "(Y/N), my friend, I ask that you meet me and the company in two full moons in the Shire, where the hobbits inhabit. There will be a door that will be marked by me, that is where our burgular will be, and where we will all be in, to feast, and to mark the beginning of our journey." The wizard spoke as the woman nodded in understandment. 

 The woman then turned her head, where she could see the sun setting. "I apologize my dear friend, but I must cut our reunion short. I will see you then." The tall woman stood up, and bowed in apology, as the wizard nodded and waved her goodbye. 

(Y/N) trudged out of the bar, and started walking to a small stable, where her horse was. She untied the ropes off of the mare. The mare (Fem. Horse) was a beautiful mare with rich white coat, and silky grey hair. Her name was Silver. 

Silver huffed, almost as if it were impatient for waiting so long for the woman. (Y/N) merely chuckled as she patted Silver's head and handed the mare an apple. This seemed to have made the stallion calm down as she happily munched on the fruit. 

(Y/N) began taking out the mare from the stable and sat on the horses' saddle. She looked back at the bar she once was in and saw a dwarf entering it. 

 She looked back at her horse and held the reins. "Well Silver, let's find somewhere to rest." She patted the mare's hair as the horse grunted in response. 

  The mare began to gallop north, where the tall woman planned to stay the night in, a forest, it didn't seem so bad. 

The sky started to get cloudy, with the once illuminated stars starting to disappear, the thick dark clouds covering them. 

Small droplets of water began to invade the sky, as it then turned to huge amounts of never-stopping raining. 

 Silver neighed in worry, yet kept up her pace in galloping to the meadow, where we were meant to spend the night in. 

 The tall woman can only  pet the horse's hair as to assure it that everything will go according to plan.  

 She looked up, and wondered,

'I hope the line of Durin welcomes me in open arms..'



I am new when it comes to writing in Wattpad, I usually write in Quotev.

But today, I had the sudden urge to write something and thought, 

'Hey! I want to write in wattpad this time!'

So, yeah! I hope you enjoyed this little Prologue of mine. 

I wouldn't say I'm a professional when it comes to writing, but I wouldn't say I'm the worst either. 

 Chapters might come in slow, cause I'm still writing other stories in which haven't been finished or updated in a while so.. yeah. 

Have a nice Day/Night! 

The Hobbit Various! X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora