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 - Dementors are known to suck the happiness out of someone replacing it with sad memories, there is also a Dementor's kiss which is the sucking of the soul out of the person. - Nagini explained in a calm manner to the young heir in hopes to distract her. Mercury Levereth was coming home after five years and taking into account that Camellia never meet him in real life, she was genuinely anxious and scared to do so. 'what if he doesn't like me?' she would think constantly, her leg bouncing up and down with more faster movements. 

- Barbaric - she murmured causing Narcissa and Draco to look at her, Andromeda was getting the appetizers and drinks ready as a way to calm herself down while the elf's of the house was cleaning around anxiously, only person missing out was Nymphadora who was in Hogwarts studying. 

- What's barbaric dear?-  Narcissa asked her. -Nagini is telling me about Dementors, is barbaric that they have them as guards in Askaban, how do you expect someone to change their life around if by the time they leave that dark place they are a shell of the person they used to be. - Camellia argued. 

Before anyone could answer a male voice state behind her. 

Bon travail Princesse (good job princess) - he marveled clapping his hands. With a gasp Camellia turned around leaving her face to face with her adoptive dad Mercury, who was kneeling in front of her staring at her with amazement shining in his eyes. - I have such a brilliant daughter, good job to me - he joked touching his shoulder and puffing out his chest proudly causing Camellia to giggle at his actions. 

- Welcome back father- Elijah said holding Camellia hand. - where are you guys going with the formalities? come give your old man a hug - Mercury state opening his arms, causing both siblings to rushed at him and jumped into his awaiting arms, Draco stared at them with a sad expression which didn't go unnoticed by any adult in the room. - Draco, what are you waiting for, son? come give me a hug too- Mercury said with a grin causing Draco eyes to widened, at a more calm pace he blushed and walked up to the man in the living room and joined the hug. The three children hugging him like their life depends on it. 

After a while he children's slowly step away from Mercury and smile at him giggling about the situation. -Camellia was so nervous! - Elijah started -I was not!- the girl protested - Draco was nervous he even ask for a slumber party - she added. - No I did not! that was Elijah! - the blonde boy defended himself. 

- Okay cut it out - Idella said rolling her eyes. -yes mother- Camellia said while snapping her fingers and using the silencio spell causing both boys to shut up. - Camellia - her mother warned. - peaceful right mother? - the girl suggested with an innocent smile causing Marcus to laugh with glee. 

Listen to your mother Shakelet - Nagini said from the couch, amusement in her voice. - yes mom - the girl groaned before lifting the silencio spell. 

Immediately the boys started to argue with her causing her to roll her eyes and with a hidden smile run to Nagini getting in the snake embrace. 

The party started right after with the kids running around and the adults talking and catching up, by the time the boys were sleeping on the carpet and Camellia in her Nagini embrace the topic of conversation took a serious turn. 

- Alastor Moody tortured the Longbottom's family on demand of Dumbledore. - Mercury said causing the woman in the room to frown with anger. - He knew Bellatrix is a strong witch so when he didn't get her on his side he incriminated her so she could not serve you know who. - he states the information he collected all those years ago. - Also he eliminated my memory of the night but good thing I saved it beforehand in a Pensieve. 

A hiss causes everyone to turn and look at Nagini and after a few seconds Idella nodded. - Nagini says she was serving you know who and he tried to recruit Bellatrix but she said no, so he tried to force her to kill her. She refused and helped Bellatrix escape and well we know the rest. - Idella said causing the Black sisters to nod. 

- I showed The ministry the Pensieve and even tho they can't go against Dumbledore they agreed to let Bellatrix out of Askaban in five more years - he declared sadly - sorry I couldn't do more. 

- You did enough Mercury, don't beat yourself over it - Narcissa whispered to him holding his hand. - I will go immediately to give her the great news. - she said standing up, Andromeda nodded - I will go too, please look after Draco in the mean time. - she added and with a small sound they left. 

- since the children are sleeping - Idella announced passing her husband a glass of whiskey. Both of them start talking in hushed whispers, Nagini not wanting to intrude in the conversation wrapped herself around Camellia and fell asleep instantly, with a bad taste in her mouth for some reason. 


The following morning both Levereth parents woke up with a slight headache and naked in their bed, staring in horror at one another and then sighing with understatement. 

- I guess now we know for sure - Mercury murmured causing Idella to nod. - How are we gonna break this to the kids?- Idella asked him while coming out of the bed and wrapping herself in a robe.

- With time I guess, I don't think any of them will have a problem. At the end they just want to see us happy - he shrugged. - I wanna see you happy Idella, and I know that will never be with me. - he said softly. 

- I love you Mercury - she started - yes but you are not In love with me and that's completely fine, this was a convenience marriage and since our parents are dead it's normal for it to come to an end. 

- a certain blonde witch will be lucky to have you, once we get rid of her husband of course - Idella teases the man in her bed causing him to blush. 

- Certain snake will be gleeful to have you all by herself and more when we reverse the curse with time. - he teased back. 

- Damm right she will - Idella said rolling her eyes with a small smile plastered on her face - actually I gotta go, she says breakfast is gonna be in fifteen minutes and Narcissa and Andromeda are here. - she finished skipping towards the bathroom. 


At breakfast everyone was smiling and talking among each other, Camellia being the quietest in the group but still talking. Nagini was nowhere to be seen to which after a while Idella took the courage to ask - Camellia, where is your mom darling? - she said, her legs bouncing a little indicating she was nervous. - she said she needed time to think, that she will be back later - the brown haired girl answered looking at her mom weirdly. - Why do you ask, mother? - Idella shook her head softly and lifted her glass to her mouth drinking some juice. 

Narcissa looked at her weirdly but Andromeda decided to intervened changing the subject - Bellatrix can't thank you enough Mercury, she said fifteen years is a blessing in disguised compared to a life sentence. 

- It was the right thing to do and I would gladly serve more years in Askaban if it means she will be free - he said causing the children around the table to look up at him in wonder. 

- Now we can focus on helping Nagini - Idella said happily, her leg paused bouncing when she felt Nagini climbing up her body and wrapping herself around her. -Thank you for wanting to help me- She hiss softly. ' Anything for you' she thought, blushing furiously afterwards, Nagini made a sound resembling a chuckle and slid herself across the table wrapping herself on her Shakelet. 

Hi mom - Camellia hissed at her. - eat your vegetables -  Nagini hissed back before nestling on her daughter's neck. 

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