Chapter Six - Goodbye Cleveland, for Good!

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So we're finally to the part of the story where we leave my old life behind. So are we leaving Cleveland yet? Not quite, my JJ Little Besties. This is my story, so enjoy the ride where I take you to the day of my flight back to Cleveland with my twin and lifelong best friend, Jen.

Jen and I were both at a small food court at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). We just picked up a quick lunch from Dunkin', and I sank my teeth into my sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Jen got the same thing as me, which surprised me. Maybe she wanted me to feel better about earlier? I don't know.

Earlier? So what happened, Jillian? Well, since you're so nice about it, I'll tell you.

Back about an hour ago, Jen and I arrive at the airport at around 12:30 PM. Our flight was AAL1549. A nonstop flight leaving Philadelphia International Airport at 3:00 PM and arriving at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport at 4:34 PM. Prior to checking in at our gate, we had to scan our carryon bags at the TSA checkpoint. I had a luggage bag that I borrowed from Jen and my purse. Jen had just a matching luggage bag and her purse. I nervously smiled as we both got in line.

My sister Jen could sense the nervousness in my eyes. She pat me on the shoulder and whispered into my ear. "What's wrong, Jill? Are you worried that they'll see your night time diapers in your luggage?"

I nodded, my face now turning red. "Yes. Can't they respect my privacy?"

All my sister could do is smile at me and give me a hug. But it really wasn't helping in making me feel any less nervous...

Finally, it was my turn. I got to the checkpoint and emptied all of my pockets. Jen was wearing a dress so she didn't have any pockets to empty. All I had were a few bucks, some loose change, and some extra tissues. I stuck all this in the tray and placed my carryon bag and purse on the conveyor.

As we walked past the conveyor, I stepped on a metal detector. Nothing happened when I stepped on it so I was good to go. I thought I was in the clear, until a TSA person walked up next to me.

The TSA person was a short woman who smiled at me. She pointed at the picture that she saw when they looked at the contents of my bag. "Are those diapers?"

My face grew red with embarrassment. "They are!" I whispered back. "What's your business in humiliating me?"

But the TSA woman gave me an understanding smile. "It's okay, hun. Your bag is not the first one I have seen of that. It's more common than you think. Lots of women have that similar problem, including me dear..."

That was quite enough. "Please stop," I told her, my face about to explode.

But nothing phased the TSA woman, who was still as cool as a cucumber. She smiled again and waved me through. I hurriedly picked up my carryon bag and purse and took all my contents from the tray on the other side. I stuffed the money and tissue back into my pockets and waited for my twin sister to pass over to where I was.

A moment later, Jen approached me with her carry on and purse and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "I saw the whole thing," she whispered. "Really Jill. It's really nothing to be ashamed of. About 40% of women our age experience some form of incontinence."

I scowled. "That's not helping, sis! That means that 60% of women our age are fine. That includes YOU..."

Jen sighed as we made our way past the checkpoint.

So what did we do with that extra time? We walked around a few stores, but we didn't buy anything. After that, we got lunch at Dunkin'.

And that's where we are now. So where was I? Aw yes. I was biting into that sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich and my tastebuds exploded with that hot and delicious goodness.

The JJ Diaper Twins (18+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz