Chapter Five - They're Not So Bad!

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Before I share with you my trip back to Cleveland to move everything out of my apartment, this next part of the story is necessary for you to get a clear understanding of my love-hate relationship with diapers. And I can tell you right now that it was more hate than love. Sure, I didn't have to worry about wet bedsheets or wet pajamas, but something was always wet!

And in waking up that Sunday morning, I knew right away. It was another wet diaper. Okay. It wasn't soaked or even leaking (we'll get to that later). It was very damp. The coldness indicated that my bladder emptied right in the middle of the night. I still couldn't figure out why I started doing this. Heck. I was crying for a whole month after graduating in Cleveland and stressing out about failed job leads and I never wet the bed even once! I think that it had to do with the wine. Somehow, having that wine and getting drunk that ONE time has somehow permanently affected my bladder. And now, my bladder thinks that it's perfectly fine to just let go in the middle of the night while I'm sound asleep. Well you know what, bladder? I'm tired of it! Diapers or not! I'm tired of it!

Frustrated, I stood up in my wet diaper. I heard a soft tap on the door.

"Jill? Are you up?"

It was my dear twin sister Jen, who sounded like all was well in the world. Must be nice to have a perfectly functioning bladder! "I'm up!" I shouted back, trying to hide my frustration.

The door opened and I saw my sister all nicely dressed up. I could smell the perfume and saw the beautiful pink dress that she was wearing. Her hair was done up in a nicely braided single ponytail that ran down the back of her neck. It's Sunday morning for crying out loud. Is she going on another date with Joey?

"Jill," my sister announced. "I leave for church in an hour. Joey is coming too. Do you want to go to church with us?"

I sighed. "Since when did you start going to church?"

Jen smiled. "Since I have been dating Joey, Jill! Church is very important to him, and I'm starting to see why."

I nodded. "That's cool that you and him want to go, but I'm not going this week."

I then heard a quiet sigh from Jen. "Well, the invitation is open if you want to change your mind!" Jen then looked at me and frowned. "Jill, I see that something is bothering you this morning. Can you tell me what it is?"

I sighed. "How do you know?"

Jen laughed. "Jill, you already know the answer. We're twins! I can sense it like I did when you were back in Cleveland. Don't you remember?"

"It's a twin thing..." we both managed to say in unison.

"See?" Jen said, pointing at me. "The way that we both said that perfectly in sync. It was like we were sharing the same brain at that moment...Now, what's bothering you? Is it the diapers again?"

I nodded, my face reddening.

"Oh Jill..." My sister said, sighing. "I know that you don't like to wear them at night. But just try to get used to them. I know that it's not the best advice. But I don't know what else that I can say or do to help you with this..."

I pouted. "Gary's coming over today! If he sees my room, he'll see my diapers. I need to hide them."

Jen nodded. "I see...That's what is really bothering you! I get it, Jill. You really like Gary and you don't want him to find out about your secret. Just hide them in the empty closet! Close the door and keep them there. He has no business to go in there at all. A lot of women have varying degrees of incontinence, so you're not alone..."

I sighed. "Yeah. But we all have to deal with it every single day. Now, can I go get a shower so I can get this soggy diaper off?" My face reddened when I thought of the trash. "What if he looks in the trash? He'll see all my wet diapers in there!"

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