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Lando POV
I got p15 and wasn't happy but I couldn't chance that so I tried to ignore it. Carlo's took me with him to a club. The others were also there. I normally don't drink much alcohol but I didn't care today.
A couple of hours later I definitely had a couple of drinks... I saw Tessa dancing and decided to go dance with her.
At first she stopped and was confused but I grabbed her and kissed her before she could think about what was happening.
"Let's go to the hotel, we could talk" she whispered. While kissing my neck.
"Yea of course" so we took a Uber and as soon as we arrived at my room she started undressing me.
"I thought you wanted to talk" I was confused and the alcohol became the one that thought for me.
"If you want me to stop just tell Me" she said and kept going.
"Fuck" I missed her. I grabbed her by her waist and pushed her on my bed. I got on top of her with only my underwear on and looked at her.
"You're so fucking perfect" I told her and started to touch her.
"I need you" she moaned.
I didn't need to hear that again so I put on protection and gave her what she wanted. We both didn't needed much time to finish. As I got off of her I was in shock and suddenly stone cold sober.
"What?" She seemed worried
"The condom... it broke?" I was so confused. That never happened before.
"What???" She jumped up.
"Well I don't know!?"
I showed her and she looked down on herself. „Fuck! Lando it runs out of me! Fuck!"
„Fuck! I came inside you...go and wash it out"
She did run in the shower and tried.
„Tessa what are we gonna do?"
„I don't know. I can't get pregnant the first time you came inside me. Some people try for years."
"You're right it probably didn't happen"
"I'm gonna cry" she looked at me and I didn't know what she wanted me to do
"What?" I asked confused. But she already started crying. I immediately got under the shower with her and hugged her. About 15 min she just cried in my arms before I could get her out of the bathroom and onto my bed. "You can have my clothes" I didn't wanted her to get in her uncomfortable dress again. And then I called Charles. He would now what to do.
Not long after he knocked on my door.
"Hey Lando what's wrong?"
"We had sex and the condom...and she started crying and I don't know what to do..."
"Slowly Lando. What happened?"
So I slowly explained.
"Fuck. Where is she?" He asked.
"She's sleeping in my bed. You're not here because of her your here because of me." I was so done.
"Now please kill me. You always say you would kill me. Please do it now. I'm so drunk and fuck. What if I used it wrong what if it's my fault?! I just wanted to talk and she started... Fuck!?" It burst out of me.
"Lando it's ok. We will get through this together."
"Charles what if she hates me tomorrow?"
"She won't."
"I'm so sick I never drink again"
"Lando I think you two should sleep in my room. I don't want to leave you alone in this condition."
So we did. He  carried her over to his room and I slowly walked behind him.

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