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Tessa POV
"Charles. I'm sad and heartbroken and I'm gonna have fun. You have ton make sure I don't do something stupid." I told him.
"Ok. Got that now let's go"
We made our way to the clip and as we entered I saw him. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was there with his mouth all over her. His ex. That he told me wasn't even a part of his life.
"Tessa we can go home."
"I'm not gonna sleep in my bed tonight."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"I don't care." And with that I went to the bar and ordered two drinks to drink them both in under 5 minutes. About one hour later I had a couple of drinks and felt great. At some point i saw Logan across the bar and smiled at him. He immediately made his way over to me.
"I waited at least 20 minutes for you to look at me." He said.
"You could've just talked to me."
"I'm shy in front of beautiful women"
"You really know what to say"
"I also know how to dance." He said and guided me through the club on the dance floor. He was about 30cm taler than me. And that made everything so much more fun. We danced what felt like forever. At some point he started moving his hand up and down on my body. He turned me around and I saw Lando looking at me like he wants to kill me. So I thought about revenge. I showed Logan to come down and whispered something into his ear.
He smiled like crazy and guided me to the bathroom. He didn't even get the chance to kiss me before Lando stormed into the bathroom.
"What?" Logan asked.
"Don't you dare touch her!"
"Lando you fucked your ex about an hour ago! Stop being such a jerk!" I unbuttoned Logan's pants and he picked me up.
"Logan! Tessa! You're both drunk!"
"And you did it sober! You fucked her!"
"Tessa! You're my girl!"
"At the moment she is all mine." Logan said.
I just heard Lando leave.

Lando POV
A single tear rolled down my face. I left the bathroom and got stopped by Charles. "I fucked up."
"I know. We saw you."
"She's in there. With Logan"
"You have to let her do what she thinks she needs."
I started crying. I felt so stupid.
Charles just hugged me. "Now wipe away those tears and wait for her. She's going to regret what she's doing."
Logan came out of the bathroom.
"I'm gonna kill you." I said and walked his way.
"Lando I didn't do anything she didn't wanted." He said.
"Why would you do that?"
"So you didn't?"
"I... I..."
"Exactly. So don't blame it on me just because you messed up"
"Guys... you should both stop. We all drank too much. Let's all go home." Charles said and got Tessa home safe.

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