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"Charles!" I screamed out of my lungs as soon as the door opened. I got it. I did it. "Charles!!!!"
"What is it?" He clearly was annoyed because I was screaming so loud.
"I did it"
"You did?" He was confused for a moment.
"I got the second seat at Mercedes"
"No. Don't play with me. Really?! Like for real?!" He was stunned.
"I did" I started crying.
"Je savais que tu pouvais le faire! Je suis tellement fière de toi"
(I knew you got this! I'm so proud of you)
We needed some time to come down again.
"And Arthur...?" He asked.
"No sadly not... Still F2. He tried to be happy for me but I know he is sad he didn't get the opportunity" I told Charles. I loved having a twin. Nobody understands me like Arthur. But sometimes it was hard. I really wanted him to get a chance. But I also worked hard to get the chance myself.
"He needs time but everything will be fine. Tonight is the first driver meeting. You can come with me know that you're one of us." He smiled.
Later that day Charles and I arrived at a wonderful restaurant I was so nervous to meet the other drivers.
"Hey I'm Tessa"
"I'm George hey! So nice to finally meet you. Toto told me I would meet you here"
"Yea Charles told me he could take me with him. So I thought it would be nice meeting you all"
"Where do you Know each other from?" George looked interested.
"Oh I guess from our Parents?" I was confused.
"Yea I was happy being the youngest but our parents had to get twins and now I'm the middle one" Charles stated laughing.
"Oh wow you and Arthur don't look alike. But you got Charles eyes." George now understands.
"Ok now let's get inside" Charles said.
I sat down next to George. Everyone sat next to their Teammate so does Charles. He was about 5 seats away from me and it made me nervous to be alone. Someone sat down next to me.
"Hello I'm Lando. You must be the new driver for Mercedes." He said with a smile on his face.
"I'm yes. My name is Tessa" I smiled back.
"Nice to meet you. Why do you want to be in F1?"
"I always dreamt about it and now that I get the chance I'm excited to start something new."
"I'm excited to be a part of that" he said and winked at me. I immediately started blushing and if that wasn't bad enough Charles came over.
"Why are you blushing?" He looked worried around between Lando and me. "Stop flirting with my sister Lando."
"Your what?" Lando blushed now.
"My sister." Charles told him again.
"I didn't... I didn't flirrt with her. I just told her I'm excited that she's here" Lando found his confidence again.
"Charles can you please just go away again? It was nice till you got here" I told him with an angry face.
"See. Everything is fine" Lando smiled.
"s'il te plaît, essaie de ne rien faire de stupide" charles said. (Please don't do anything stupid.)
"il n'est pas stupide" I told him totally don't getting his point. (He isn't stupid.)
"Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire!" He explained. (That's not what I meant.)
"...? Oh! Charles!" I realized he meant I shouldn't do him... with that He started laughing as I blushed but thankfully he did go away.
"I guess I have to learn France now." Lando tried to make me laugh again.
"Please don't. That was the most embarrassing conversation I've ever had." I told him.
"That sounds like a good reason to learn it" he laughed.
We talked the whole evening and I totally forgot to be nervous.

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