"You have something to tell me I believe." I tapped on his desk to get his attention.

"Yes I do. I realized that I learn better when I write things over and over again or say them to myself multiple times. I already memorized fifty of them."

"I'm proud of you." I smiled at him as he smiled back with a small shrug.

"I pinky promised you. I take those very seriously."

"Kacie and Neno sitting in a tree.." Khayri began to whisper in my ear from behind me, making me roll my eyes and glare at him.

"Can I schedule our next session?" Neno asked.

"The test is next Wednesday. I want you to really understand this before then. Can we do after school tomorrow?"

"Fine by me. I'm always free."

I nodded and began to finally focus on the class that I was in at the moment which was composition. On the board she had written that we would be focusing on writing a persuasive essay on any topic that we wanted as long as she approved it.

That would be easy for me being that writing was one of my strong suits. I could write about pretty much any topic. The only thing that I truly struggled with in school was math. As of now, I was taking Calculus for advanced college credit. I had an A but it took a lot of hard work.

And since it was still early in the school year I knew it was only going to get harder and harder.


"I don't know what I should get her, KJ. I mean this is only our three month anniversary but it's still monumental. I was thinking maybe a Glock—"

"Kha, do not buy that girl a gun." I shook my head as I walked on the sidewalk with Khayri, discussing what he should get his girlfriend for their three month anniversary.

Kha and Remi had been through a very toxic three months but nonetheless they made it, and he figured that she needed a gift. I knew nothing about relationships outside of the romantic side of Wattpad so that side of me was saying that he needed to go all out.

"Well what should I get her? You keep criticizing my ideas but not helping me at all." He shook his head.

I could tell he was stressed out.

"Get her some flowers, if you think this relationship is actually very serious maybe a promise ring. If not that then a necklace or something.." I shrugged.

"Flowers it is. It's the thought that counts." He stuck his hands in his pockets as we continued to walk to our neighborhood.

Kha and I would walk to and from school together every now and then since we both lived in the same neighborhood. We had lived in the same neighborhood all our lives but I never became friends with him until our freshman year of high school in biology class.

"I don't even be buying girls shit. Can't no other girl say that I spend even a dime on her—"

"You bought Amina clothes. You bought Selena perfume and candles. Then, you got—"

"Okay, Kacie. I forgot about them girls." He cut me off as we neared my house, "Be safe, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Mhm." I laughed as I walked up my porch steps, grabbing my key from out of my purse and unlocking the door.

I headed into the living room where I knew my father would be. He was sitting on the couch with his large computer in front of him, looking at it as if he were in deep focus.

"Sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing. How's mom?" I asked him.

"She's pretty good today. Last time I checked she was up there watching P Valley. She got way too much time on her hands this the third show that she's finished this week." He laughed before glancing down at his computer again.

"Imma go talk to her." I laughed along with him and headed upstairs, walking into their room seeing her curled up in a ball with her eyes focused on the tv.

I stood there for a while debating if I wanted to disturb her peace. She looked so comfortable and warm, her eyes were low as if she were about to go to sleep any second and that she was just fighting it for the sake of finishing the show.

I stood in the doorway for a few more seconds before debating on just leaving, walking into my room. I didn't want to bother her if she were comfortable.

Heading to my room I passed pictures of me and my mother on the wall when I was younger. It was hard watching her get sick especially since she was so active and involved in my life when I was younger. She would always play outside with me, be a chaperone for my field trips, you name it.

Now she never wanted to leave the house. She wouldn't go to the grocery store, out to get her hair done, she barely even felt like going to her weekly appointments.

It was hard for me to watch but I knew that I just had to keep pushing myself in school like she wanted me to. She always said that she saw me having a bright future ahead of myself. She said that she saw me traveling the world in my future, enjoying life and living out everything that she couldn't.

I would do everything in my power to make her proud.


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