New Members! (Not really a chapter-)

34 4 9

Yay! :D SEASON 10!


- can control density

- probably has to study science shit (like us) or... maybe just fuck around and find out

- has a lot of trouble with controlling this at first

- no codename yet


- hard to be contained

- can get all the snacks

- hard to be picked up

- can essentially have toggleable super strength (... with some practice)


- needs a LOT of practice

- powers respond when he doesn't want them to (becomes physically heavy when sad, might accidentally phase through the floor when surprised)


- his bloodline is crazy filled with godly nonsense

- basically his ancestors are all whores /j

- can't channel the power directly, but with sacred items he can (if they don't break)

- EX: Egyptian magic needs it's own items, Greek magic needs items related to which god's territory he's using, ect

- Codename: Fortis

Pros: very adaptable, very powerful, pretty cool, very awesome, very handsome (Joel- s h u t /lh - Blitz) (:3 - Fortis)

He can make the items himself, find/steal them, and sometimes even be gifted them... rarely

Cons: items can only handle so much/are only able to be used a few times max, draining, decision paralysis /hj, if he pisses off a god of a certain domain then using that domain is gonna be a bit harder


Although- they're gonna show up much later in the timeline .w.

Like, after the Multiverse Madness, and after Face Your Demons

But we're looking forward to writing Joel and Skizz more :D 

- CinnabonSys (really needs to remember this book exists-)

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