Just the Average Day (HermitVengers)

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 Dancing around the empty halls, Tango held a can of soda in one hand and his phone in the other. As he sang nonsensical lyrics, he made his way to the lab to try figuring out yesterday's project.


"And then... dis there- and dat here..." Bdubs pointed at certain parts of the holographic building, playing around with the new architecture simulator Tony had made him. Admittedly he'd started spending all his free time not spent training or with friends on it, slowly creating an entire city of different buildings with varying interiors.


Ducking down, Doc watched Ren's attack graze over his head. He grinned and aimed a swift kick to the werewolf's legs, taking him down with a thud. "Whew... GG, man."

Ren laughed and took the hand offered to him, standing up with a grin. "Same to you, dude. I swear, we're gettin' better and better every day!"


Iskall chuckled awkwardly as Thor thrust a bag of trail mix towards them. "Young Iskall, a growing warrior needs to feast like one to restore their energy! I understand we are busy quite frequently, but we must attend to this bad habit of yours."

"I know... I'm working on it. Thanks, Thor." They took the bag and gave the Asgardian a quick hug. Smiling, the blond hero hugged back for a few moments.


Keralis held back a laugh at the sight of the two Voids bicker over a tub of ice cream, but admittedly he snorted when Alex hit Shishwam over the head with the spoon in his hand.


"AS IF-"

"Sweetfaces- Walix, Shishwammy... you can just share?"



Cub notched an arrow on his borrowed bow, glancing at Clint for approval. Giving a small nod, the archer watched with Scar as Cub released the string, the arrow flying towards the practice target and hitting the edge of the bullseye. "Good job! You've gotten a lot better."

"Yeah..." Cub huffed, still dissatisfied.

Putting a gentle hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, Scar gave him a small smile. "You don't have to get it perfect every time, Cubby. You're doing really well, I promise."

Cub couldn't hold back his smile as Scar pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I guess so. Thanks."

Silently pressing "end recording", Barton grinned as he imagined the look on Stark and Phasma's face when he saw the video of the two being cute.


Zed explained to Iskall how to jump from platform to platform. The two had been trying to figure out together how to make floating platforms with their different powers for a while now, and the hard work was starting to come to fruition.

"So... okay, let's try..." Iskall picked up a few practice shields and threw them, quickly freezing them in time. Keeping their hold on the shields for as long as they could, Iskall hopped on the first one. "Okay... so far so good."

Zedaph nodded, mentally noting that the shield holding the Swede up didn't even quiver. "Uh-huh..."

Jumping onto another one, and another, and another, Iskall started to gain more confidence. Until... well, until they lost focus and all the shield fell down with harsh CLANGS, taking Iskall down with them.

"UMPH- Urgh... ow." Iskall laughed, rubbing the back of their head.

The blond Brit laughed and offered a hand to his fallen comrade. "Well, you got farther than I did!"


This was a bit more of a writing exercise, but hey, it's still content :D

Hope you enjoyed the snippets! Have an amazin' day, evening, and night everyone! Goooood BYE!

- CaptainMarra (is tearing through the next HermitVengers chapter-)

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