(Not a Chapter) Art Contest! :D

118 10 14

Come one, come all! 

So, for those who read Project HermitVengers, you'll know the cover is a picture of Avengers Tower. Which... is admittedly a cool picture, but I personally don't think it truly captures what the story is. 

Hence, this competition! 

There aren't really too many requirements, but here they are anyway: 

1. (for the art itself) Must be some kind of art (digital art, paper & pen, ect)

2. Must be your original art!! No stealing >:I

3. (for the artist) Must have read at least a little of of Project HermitVengers, or have basic knowledge of that AU (but please feel free to ask questions!)

That's about it! :D

The design can be as simple or complex as you want, just as long as you have fun making it!

If you're any kind of artist, please feel free to sign up! Please put your username here, and then your entry! -----> 

Have fun drawing, and have an amazin' day, evening, and night. Good bye, and gooooood luck!! 

- CaptainMarra (is hyped to see what you all come up with)

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