Fears and Tears

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Luke's POV
I made my way back to the room where Luna and Laura were waiting. As soon as I entered I saw Luna crying. I went to her side and said "Luna sweetie, why are you crying?" all she managed to say was "no needles" I gave her a sympathetic smile and said "It'll be okay. It's just a quick pinch". I set everything down and I heard Laura say "she has a fear of needles." I looked to Luna and said "Okay sweetie! I'm gonna page my friend to help me out" she didn't say anything she just continued crying. Calum was a pediatrician so I had to page him eventually.

A couple of minutes later there was a knock at the door and Calum came in. He took notice of Luna and went to introduce himself. "Hi sweetheart I'm Dr.Hood but you can call me Calum, could you tell me your name" he said. Luna looked at him and said "It's L-Luna".

Calum's POV
I was finishing up some paperwork when I got a page from Luke. I knocked on the door and entered the room and said "you paged". Luke said "yup, I could use your help". I quickly took notice of Laura and saw that she hugging a girl who was probably 17 or 18. I assumed it was one of her employees given the fact that she was wearing a t-shirt with Laura's family's restaurant. I went up to the crying girl and said "Hi sweetheart I'm Dr.Hood but you can call me Calum, could you tell me your name". She looked at me and with a shaky voice she said "It's L-Luna". I smiled at her and said "that's such a pretty name" she returned the smile as best as she could and said "th-thank you".

"Ok sweetheart, so Luke here told me your a bit scared, ay?" I said. She nodded and I said "It's okay to be scared. I promise it's just a small pinch. How about we let Luke do it and I'll hold your hand" I said. She looked at me and nodded. Luke took a hold of her arm cleaned it and then quickly inserted the IV. Luke said "Small pinch sweetie, just look at Calum" she let out a very quiet "Ow" and then Luke announced he was done. Luke cleaned up, he came came to her side and said "Luna, would you like to explain why your arm is covered in bruises". She was wearing an oversized long sleeve shirt. So I decided to pull up her other sleeve and see if she had any more bruises. Luke and I were shocked to see that she had multiple bruises and cuts on her arm.

Laura's POV
When Luke asked Luna about her bruises I was shocked. I had only seen her bruises a few times but when I asked her about them she just told me that she had tripped so I didn't think anything of it. Luke and Calum asked me to step outside so they could talk to Luna privately. My heart broke for Luna. I guess now I understood why she always picked up extra shifts and why she didn't mind coming in early or staying late. A couple of minutes later I was allowed back in the room.

Luna was clearly distressed and the tears wouldn't stop. She was crying in pain which confused all of us because she was on some pretty strong painkillers. Luke and Calum were asking her if she felt pain anywhere else and she nodded. They gave her a sympathetic smile and asked her where it hurt. Luna pointed to her stomach. Luke and Calum had her lay down and they lifted her shirt up to check her stomach. They pressed down on her stomach as gentle as possible. They reached her ribs and lower tummy and she yelled out in pain and begged for them to stop.

Luna's POV
I didn't want them to check my stomach but I was in so much agony so I just decided to let them do what they had to do. I knew they were being gentle but it hurt like hell. Once they reached my ribs and my lower tummy it all went south. It hurt so much I felt as if I was about to pass out from the pain. "Owww, please stop. Please. No more it hurts" I yelled. Luke and Calum took there hands off and apologized. They both looked at me sympathetically. Calum and Luke were talking to each other but I was to out of it to actually determine what they were saying. A couple of minutes later 2 other people walked in who I immediately recognized.

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