Tooth Collection 

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The Big Five and Jack were running around going to collect the teeth. Tooth, Jack, and Sandy were flying north and traveling through the channels; Bunny and skellington were jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Jack flew next to Bunny." Hey, kangaroo, I bet I can get more teeth than you." Bunny glares at Jack." Mate will see." Tooth was getting overwhelmed by all the teeth they had to collect in such little time that she ran into a billboard." You ok?" Jack asked. Tooth looked at Jack sheepishly." Sorry, I haven't been in the field long." Jack gives her a confused look." When was the last you've been in the field?" Tooth chuckles uncomfortably." A few hundred years." Jack gives her a kind smile." Well, don't worry, we can get through this."

All six of them go around collecting teeth, each using their unique powers to give them an advantage: north using the chimneys, bunny using his tunnels, Sandy using his sand, and skellington creeping around like a spider to make sure he didn't wake the children when he meet up with the others in one of the houses and it seemed like skellington and tooth where the only ones who put gifts under the pillows if skellington had eyes he would be rolling them after his fiasco with Christmas he studied up on the other four members.

They were in a boy's room. Bunny and North were causing such a racket it all stopped when a flashlight was shining in their faces." He can see us." Jack asked." Not all of us." Bunny corrected." Santa Claus, tooth fairy, sand man, easter bunny, the pumpkin king? You all, really!" Jamie yelled out." surprise!" Tooth said awkwardly. North sighed." Sandy, knock him out." Sandy nodded, punching his fist into his hand." With your sand!" Sandy made a ball of sand when
the gray hound started growling at Bunny." Abby no!" Jamie tried to calm down his dog." That's a gray hound, you know what they do to Bunny's right." Bunny brushed Jacks's comment off, discussing how great of a Warrior he was. Jack bumps Jamie's alarm clock, setting it off, and all hell breaks loose. Abby begins to chase Bunny. Sandy tries to put the dog to sleep but accidentally hits Tooth, north, skellington, Abby, and Bunny. Jamie looks at the scene in front of him in amazement when Sandy finally puts Jamie to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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