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When the portal opened  skellington watched the yetis tossed a squirming bag and a white haired blue eyed boy came out." Jack just the person we wanted to see." Skellington shook his head he did not agree with getting jack this way. " you have got to be kidding me?" The yetis picked jack up as jack complain." I'm shore the yetis treated you well." " yay I like being tossed into a magic portal." North laughed." Good that was my idea." Skellington sighed." You know bunny obviously." Bunny grumbled." Yay obviously." North pointed to Skellington." This is jack Skellington." Skellington ran up to jack." Hello jack since we both have the same first name you can call me by my last name Skellington, also I am fascinated by your work I would love to discus it when we have the time." North pointed to tooth." And the tooth fairy." Tooth zoomed over." Hi jack I've heard so much about you especially your teeth." Jack looked at her with confusion." My teeth?" Tooth opened his mouth." Oh they do sparkle like the freshly fallen snow, girls pull your self together don't disgrace to the uniform." North pointed to a sleeping sandy." And the sandman sandy? Wake up!" Sandy jumped awake.

" hey is anyone going to tell me what's going on here." Sandy razed his hand and flashed over his head took fast to understand." Uh that's not really helping but that's thought." Jack got up and casually froze a gnome." I've must have done something really bad if all five of you are here am I on the naughty list." North laughed." You are the Second person to hold the record." Skellington piped up." The boogie boys are the first ." " but now know matter we clean the slate." " how come?" Bunny laughed." Good question." Oh come? I'll tell you how come because you are guardian now." Skellington jumped as the yetis pulled out fire and the gnomes started playing music Skellington knew this was not going to end well fire and ice didn't mix Skellington could tell jack was about to blow, jack slammed his staff onto the ground sending ice all around them." What makes you think I want to be a guardian." North laugh." Of course you do music!" " no music!" The elf throw its horn onto the ground." You don't want me you are all hard work and deadlines and I'm snowball and fun times I'm not a Guardian." Bunny laugh." That's exactly what I said." Skellington hits bunny on the arm." You said you would be nice." Tooth flew up to jack." Jack I don't think you know exactly what we do each of lights." " a child that believes good or bad naughty or nice we protect them tooth finger out of mouth." North finished. " sorry there Beautiful." " no more wishy washy pitch is out there doing who knows what." Jack looked at them with confusions?" The boogie man?" Skellington piped up." When he threatens the children he threatens us." " which is why you should chose someone else." Jack said." Do you think we picked? You where chosen like we all where my man in moon." North pointed to the moon."what?" " last night he chose you jack." Tooth said." Maybe." Bunny said Skellington hit him again." Man in moon he talks to you?" Jack said curiously." See you can not say no it is destiny." " why wouldn't he tell me himself after 300 years this is his answer spending eternity like you guys cooped up in some hide out thinking of more ways bribe  kids no that's not for me no offense." " how was that not offensive!" Bunny yelled." You know what i think." " bunny." Skellington said warningly." I think we dodged a bullet how dose this clown know about bringing joy to children." " uh have you ever heard of a snow day it's not some egg but kids like what I do." " yay but believes in you don't they you are invisible mate it's like you don't even existed." Bunny enough." Tooth and Skellington said." No the kangaroo is right." Jack said." What did you call me I'm not a kangaroo mate." " oh sorry all this time I thought you were if your not a kangaroo what are you." " im a bunny the easter bunny people Believe in me." An awkward silence fell between them before north broke the silence." Jack walke with me."

After north and Jack left Skellington looked at bunny with fire in his Eye-sockets." What was that all about bunny!" Bunny looked up at the pumpkin king." Well Skellington blizzard of 68 he ruined my holiday." " well there was a blizzard in 2011 on the west cost and Halloween was canceled and did I yell at him no! I talked to him and it turns out the other sessions spirits attacked him and he was trying to defend himself." Before things could escalate sound of yelling got their attention." Jack! Jack!" A walking bathtub and three children one in a witch costume, one in a devil costume, and one in a skeleton costume." Oh no not you three!" Bunny yelled but Skellington just ignored him and faced the boogie boys." Lock shook barrel what are you to doing here?" But it was hard to tell what they where saying since all three of them talked at the same time. Skellington sighed and made a scary face to shut them up." Now one at a time lock you go first." Lock took a deep breath." We where hanging out in our tree house when this black stuff came storming in." Shook started." It rampaged in and then went into oogie's old layer and the hole tree house started shaking." Barrel finished." We got out of there but our tree house collapsed and everything was disappeared!" Skellington thought for a moment." What's so bad about those brats losing a tree house." Shock used her slingshot and hit bunny with a pebble." Well bunny the tree house is lock shock and barrels home also under and oogie boogie was made by pitch and after I destroyed him the bugs where still there." Some of the Small tooth fairy's  squeaked to tooth." Something attacked my palace!" And with that she zoomed away and bunny went to get north.

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