Chapter 1: movies

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Act I: wet feet

Lewis pov

I remember watching movies about the end of the world. I still have a box of them somewhere. They got more popular because anthro's everywhere were talking more about the "what if" situations than ever. But as we all know, that's just fiction. Right?..

Outside it's currently raining cats and dogs. The summer has barely ended and we're already being splashed with water by Zeus this time of the year.

As I sigh I walked to the couch

I have only been living in this house since I was 20. That means I've been here for only 6 months. I got lucky to catch this house before it was gone.

I let myself fall on the couch and I reach for the remote. Before I turn the television on I can see my reflection on the screen.

My soft snow leopard pelt is a reminder to my mother. From my father I mostly got the masculine built. I probably had "go to the gym" on my to-do list since I was 16, but I (hopefully) get enough exercise from my job as a forester.

I'm getting ahead of myself, let's just see what the holy device has to offer today. Why not begin with the 8pm news.

*On the news*

"Meteorologists have predicted one of the heaviest storms in 67 years, the rivers are already reaching their limits!", The female german shepherd announces.

The weather isn't improving either. great. Let's switch to something hopefully more positive.

*Murmuring* "Hmm, no... No.... No .. not this one either.... Ughh why does every show have to be repeated so many times. I've seen all these already." Perhaps some of my friends are still online.

*On phone*

You 8:01
Yo anyone still alive here?

Marck 8:02 pm
I'm afraid yes

Josephine 8:03 pm
Smh, you don't have to be so negative all the time guys

Amber 8:03 pm
Only thing negative here is y'alls iq

You 8:04 pm

Marck 8:05 pm
Very funny Ambs

You 8:06 pm
Aaanyway, is anyone free tomorrow? I'm bored as hell rn and I don't know if I'll survive another day like this

Marck 8:08 pm

Amber 8:08 pm
I'm up for it

Josephine 8:10 pm
Sorry I'm busy tomorrow, perhaps another day.

You 8:13 pm
How about my place at 1 pm


Lewis is then interrupted by the beeping if the dishwasher

Finally something to do. .

4,5 hours later

It's currently pitch black outside. The only thing that is emitting light is the alarm clock. 0:45 it reads. It started raining again outside, the rain ticking on the window and the roof, preventing silence. Another restless night for me.

This is why I hate the rain. Especially during the night. And it's only getting worse by the year. Who knows, one month later and we'll be walking through water up to our wastes at this rate.

At times like these I always start wondering about things. Like when do we actually fall asleep, I never notice the-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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