Chapter One

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The city of New Eden, once a thriving metropolis, now lied in ruins. Cars sat wrecked on crumbling overpasses, buildings crumbled into rubble, and the once-green parks had been replaced with desolate wastelands. The only sign of life was the constant hum of drones patrolling the sky, their cameras scanning the landscape for any signs of movement. The air was thick with tension as the war between the Infected and the Untouched raged on.

One building sat crumbled on one side, but still intact enough to offer shelter on the other. This structure was the last stronghold of the Untouched, their final hope against the relentless onslaught of the Infected. Inside, a group of weary fighters huddled around a fire, trying to stay warm and alert. Their leader, a woman named Jasmine, paced back and forth, her eyes never leaving the entrance. She knows that at any moment, the Infected could launch another attack, and they cannot afford to be caught off guard.

Across the street, however, sat a young woman idly listening to music through a pair of high-end  headphones. She swung her legs to the beat of the music, her long black hair falling over her shoulders. Her wolf tail swished behind her, the tip idly tracing circles on the ground. She chewed a piece of bright pink gum, her dark black eyes scanning the area as she waited for something...anything.

She had her eye on the Untouched stronghold for at least a day now. The young woman knew that the Infected were losing the war, and that the stronghold in front of her was the last line of defense in the city, other than the few scattered groups still clinging to hope, as if it could actually protect them in the end.

Her song ended, and she sighed, pulling her headphones off. She stood, stretching her arms above her head, and began to walk along the edge of the building, her tail flicking out to keep her balanced.

The drones buzzed around her, their spotlights dancing across the ground, but she paid them no mind. She knew they wouldn't attack unless she made a move towards the center of the lights, anyway.

She reached the edge of the roof and peered down into the streets below. They were empty save for the occasional drone, but she knew better. A few wrappers and stray newspaper pages floated past, carried by the breeze. The smell of decay filled the air, and she wrinkled her nose in disgust. She turned to look over at the Untouched stronghold again, and she could see the fighters inside huddled together, talking in hushed voices. They walked back and forth carrying rifles, looking anxious and worn out. They didn't look like much of a threat to her.

The young woman crouched down on the edge of the building, balancing on her toes. Her tail twitched in anticipation, and she licked her lips. She didn't need to wait for an opening; she never did that. She preferred to strike fast and hard, catching her enemies off guard. It was a strategy that had served her well so far, and she had no reason to believe it would fail now.

She took a deep breath and leapt off the roof, the wind rushing past her as she plummeted to the ground. She landed on top of a dented dumpster, denting it further, and quickly rolled off to land on her feet. The impact caused the lid to slam shut, alerting the nearby drones of her presence. She grinned as they swarmed towards her, guns whirring to life. She ran down the street, easily dodging their shots as they fired at her. She laughed as she weaved through the debris, taunting the drones as they struggled to keep up with her. Her speed and agility were unmatched, and she relished the challenge.

She rounded a corner and skidded to a stop, her claws digging into the concrete as she came to a halt. The drones followed suit, circling around her as they prepared to open fire once more. She slowly stood up straight, smiling at each drone in turn. Their design was simple; a spherical body with four rotors keeping them suspended in the air. They were equipped with two mounted guns apiece, giving them a powerful arsenal. She raised an eyebrow as one of the drones lowered itself to her eye level, its camera lens zooming in on her face.

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