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The infection first struck the smaller towns and cities.The government issued strict quarantine measures, but panic spread quickly as news of the outbreak reached the larger population centers. It spread like a wildfire from a research lab nestled in the heart of a major metropolis, unleashing a virus that had not yet been properly tested or understood.

The virus itself derived from animal cells and had been experimentally modified in an attempt to create a new, more efficient vaccine. Unfortunately, the scientists working on the project had underestimated the potential dangers of their research and failed to implement proper safety protocols. As a result, the virus escaped containment and began infecting not only the research staff but also the surrounding population.

Now, this virus wasn't some zombie-type that turned humans into mindless monsters; it was more complex than that, and the few scientists that are left today still don't fully understand its workings. The virus affected the central nervous systems of those it came across as it spread, sending the animal cells that coursed through its system into overdrive. It caused extreme pain, agitation, and eventually led to death as the infected's bodies shut down from the stress it put on their systems. However, some survived this virus, but suffered greatly.

The virus held animal cells inside it. The researchers had hoped that implementing a vaccine with animal cells would give humans immunity to certain diseases. However, they had not accounted for the possibility that the animal cells could mutate or interact with human cells in a harmful way. As the virus spread through the population, it became clear that the animal cells were causing extreme pain and agitation, as they were not able to function properly within the human body. However, when some individuals came into contact with the virus, it altered their body in a way that made they themselves exhibit animal characteristics and behaviors, adopting the abilities and attributes of the hundreds of animals in the animal kingdom.

For example, one would grow a scaly tail and sharp teeth, portraying an alligator. Another would  sprout feathers and wings, resembling a bird. Still another might develop hooves and a horn, taking on the form of a deer. The transformations were not always physical; some individuals exhibited behavioral changes as well. Those who became feline-like became agile and stealthy, while those who adopted insect-like traits became highly intelligent and organized. The most common animal displayed among the population  was the canine, giving rise to a new breed of highly social and loyal humans.

The wolves were next, but the virus seemed to be highly selective of whom caught this wolf -strain. It was mostly confined to those who had exhibited strong animal traits or behaviors during the initial infection. Those that caught the wolf-strain grew long tails and sharp, pointed ears, their senses hightened beyond that of a regular human. The wolves formed tight-knit packs, working together to survive in the harsh, post-apocalyptic world that the Earth became. They were quick to adapt and learned to scavenge for food, using their keen senses and intelligence to navigate the ruins of the old world. The packs were dense and strong;  they protected their young and the elderly, sharing food and resources among themselves. The wolves did not trust the humans that had not been infected, seeing them as a threat to their packs and way of life. The pack mentality ran deep, and the wolves were determined to survive at any cost.

The virus became known as the  "Animalia Virus," and it changed the course of human history. Those who survived the initial outbreak were divided into two main groups: the "Infected" and the "Untouched." The Infected were those who had been infected by the virus and had undergone physical or behavioral transformations. They were often seen as monsters by the Untouched, but they were just as human as anyone else. The Untouched were those who had not been infected and were now struggling to survive in a world turned upside down. The infected and the Untouched lived separately, constantly at war with one another over resources and territory.

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