Chapter 7: Love

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(Moonbyul's POV)

"Thank you ma'am. Have a wonderful day!" I bow towards the woman leaving the restaurant.

Gosh what a busy morning. I swear I've need nearly everyone in the city come through. My watch reads 12:37 p.m.

Oh wow, a 5 and a half hour rush. It didn't feel that bad to be honest. My mind was rather preoccupied for the duration of it.


Oh shit! I never texted Yong this morning!

I quickly pull out my phone and send a check in to her.

Byul: Good morning Yong, or should I say afternoon. Sorry for the late check in, but things got crazy at the restaurant. I want to know how you're doing.


(Yongsun's POV)

"How does this one feel Miss Kim?"

"Um, it's a bit itchy if I'm honest. Perhaps there's something with less sequins I could try?"

"Oh absolutely! I'll get right on that!" The consultant bows to me and heads off to grab another dress.

It feels like I've been trying on wedding dresses for ages. But I haven't felt the "spark" I'm supposed to feel. The one that every little girl hopes for when she finally puts on the wedding dress of her dreams.

But honestly I don't know if I'll feel that at all, considering this is not the wedding of my dreams.

My mother has been patiently watching the whole time. She too has been waiting for the "spark", but I think deep down she knows it'll never come.

I haven't spoken to my father since he announced the marriage. He claims it's due to his busy work schedule, when in reality he's just keeping me at bay so this business plan of a wedding can follow through. And though my mom doesn't agree with his decisions, she knows better than to get in the way of his work. Because it's who we are, we're Kim's.

"Miss Kim, I believe I've found the perfect one!" The consultant enters the room with a stunning, simplistic, strapless, white dress. I admire the dress and slip into it.

My mother gasps as I reveal the dress to her. "Sweetheart, it's beautiful!"

I turn to look in the mirror behind me. I will admit, it's gorgeous. And I do feel quite pretty in it. If I'm going to marry someone I don't love, the least I can try to do is feel pretty about myself.

"Miss Kim, is this the dress?" The consultant says to me.

I pause for a brief moment and look into my reflection. I want to feel the spark, and I think the thing that is missing from this whole experience is ... love.

I want my wedding to be filled with love. I've dreamed of wearing a pretty dress like this, and being able to walk down the aisle towards my love. Being able to start our life together as a married couple, and love every second of it.

These thoughts flood my body with a warm feeling. Very similar to the feeling.... of when I met Moonbyul.

I retract myself from my dissociation and look into my eyes once more.


I smile faintly. "Yes. This is my dress."

"Wonderful darling! I'll head up to make the payment now." My mom says.

She and the consultant walk out of the room.

*buzz buzz*

Must be my phone. I reach down for it on the table and am met with a notification.

Speak of the devil. Moonbyul.

Byul ♥️: Good morning Yong, or should I say afternoon. Sorry for the late check in, but things got crazy at the restaurant. I want to know how you're doing.

Her persistence is sweet. It's only been a short amount of time, but she's already caring the most out of anyone in my life.

Yong: No problem Byul. I was actually just thinking about yo-

My mother comes back into the room. "Oh Yongsun, you know how I don't like it when you're on your phone while we're out. Please put it away until we're home."

28 years old and my phone time is still monitored. But to be honest with you, I know where my mother is coming from. We never get much one on one time, so she's always tried to keep phone usage to a minimum whenever we're able to spend time together.

I didn't mind. Hopefully Moonbyul could wait a while longer.

"We have a few more errands to run, then we'll be on our way home." My mother says to me. She turns to the consultant and says, "Thank you for your help ma'am."

"It's my pleasure Mrs. Kim. Miss Kim, I hope you have a wonderful wedding."

We all bow to each other, and head out on our way.

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