If it means a lot to you

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I ordered our drinks and our favourite sandwiches then took a seat over at the small corner table in the coffee shop as I waited for Eden to arrive. We hadn't physically seen each other since she left Axels nearly three weeks ago, and the daily texts were getting few and far between. When she said that her classes had been cancelled for the rest of the day I jumped at the chance to invite her for a coffee during my lunch break.

It wasn't long before I spotted her crossing the road and I waved excitedly as she caught sight of me through the window. Her thick curly brown hair bounced at her shoulders as she skipped up the curb and onto the path and reached the entrance. The little bell above the door chimed as she opened it causing the staff to look up from their task at the counter and offer a welcoming smile.

"Hey." She spoke softly as she slipped into the seat opposite me.

"It's so good to see you." I couldn't help but gush, as a wave of emotion came over me.

"So I have one grilled sub." The waitress arrived, interrupting any chance of further pleasantries and waited patiently for a response.

"That's me." I smiled, to which she returned a half smile and placed my sub in front of me and then Edens Avocado and feta toasted bagel in front of her.

"And I have one large chai latte." The waitress looked back at her tray, keeping her interactions with us minimal.

"Me again." I awkwardly scoffed.

"Great." She placed it next to my plate. "And then you must be the soya mocha, wet and extra hot." She offered Eden a similar lazy smile, before checking if we had everything and heading back towards the counter before we could respond.

"Five star for customer service." Eden mumbled as she removed the napkin that was wrapped around her utensils.

"It really is good to see you Ed, I've missed you so much." I continued to study her like I hadn't see her for years.

She chewed her hasty bite slowly as she met my stare. "I've missed you too Liv. It's been weird not seeing each other every day." She finally responded.

"I know, I've felt like I've lost a piece of myself." I felt my throat clench from the emotion building inside me. "So have you been back to the apartment?" I gently broached, trying to move to a lighter topic.

Her chewing now paused as she slowly nodded. "I moved back in last week."

"You moved back in?" I snapped my head up in shock. "Why didn't you say anything?"

She rested her knife and fork on the side of her plate and inhaled deeply.

"Eden, it's not safe for you to be there alone. I can't believe you..." I continued to fire as she remained in silence.

"I'm not alone." She finally interrupted. "Look, I know I should have said something, but it just kind of happened and then the longer I left it the harder it was getting to say something."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Eden, we're supposed to be best friends, whats happening? I feel like you're slipping away from me."

She let out a lengthy sigh. "Look, I know I should have said something, and so many times Amaya told me to tell you but..."

"Oh great, so my friends are allowed to know but not your actual best friend."

"They're both our friends Liv, this isn't a competition, but whilst we're being honest, it's not like you made any more effort than I did whilst you've been shacked up with that douchebag."

"Eden," I almost screeched, causing several patrons to look over. "What the hell. You've gotta give me something here, because I honestly don't know what I've done wrong."

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