Love me or Hate me

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I emerged from my room fresh faced and back in my normal comfy attire as the early morning sunlight filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the suit. I followed specks of dust as they danced in the steady beam of light and mused at the already fraught and chaotic New York streets below me. I had a couple of hours to kill until it was time to get Axel up and in a good enough condition to carry out todays duties. Yawning uncontrollably I tore myself away from the enchanting skyline and plodded over to the bright red coffee machine nestled snugly in the small kitchen area. Last nights exchange with Axel wasn't exactly professional, I felt my stomach churn as I continued to mull it over and I hoped there wasn't any lasting damage from it. I didn't have to like him, but I did have to work with him, and I most certainly had to endure what was left of this week together. The click of the coffee machine simultaneously went off at the same time as the click of his bedroom door carefully being closed. I looked up, surprised to be met by the blonde from last night, although to be honest I think she was far more surprised, and flustered to see me as she dipped her head and ran for the door making a very swift exit.

So much for not bringing people back! I muttered as I grabbed my drink and put a second cup on the plate ready for when I woke the beast.

I filled the hour quickly hiding out in my room as I went back over the schedule for today, responded to emails and did a little research on my new friend from last night. As much as I tried to busy my mind I could not suppress my curiosity about Axel and the blonde girl's late-night escapade. With a determined shake of my head, I forced the thoughts away and went to wake Axel.

As I arrived into the living area he was already up and sat at the dining table, lost in his thoughts, I paused for a moment, assessing the possibilities of how this next conversation would play out. His shoulders rose ever so slightly with each inhale as he remained pensively in his thoughts. Clad in his usual morning attire of nothing but a white fluffy towel tucked around his waist, there was a noticeable shift in his demeanour as I plodded over to the table and took my seat opposite him. He seemed quieter and more subdued than usual as he shifted with a sense of unease.

"Morning," Axel finally announced, breaking the tense silence between us. He looked up, meeting my gaze, but gave nothing away.

"Morning," I replied coolly, maintaining my composure as I casually leaned back into the seat.

The lingering tension from our exchange of words the previous night had enveloped the room, suffocating his usual banter.

Just as the silence became unbearable, I decided to address the elephant in the room. "So, I saw your friend out," I stated, ensuring my voice remained steady.

Axel's eyes instantly darted up to me, his expression guarded. "It just got late, we didn't..."

"Hey, it's none of my business," I interrupted, raising my hand to stop him. As I did I could see the worry instantly fade from his eyes, replaced by the same dark irritation I had witnessed last night.

"I was just gonna say we didn't wake you, did we? She was quite the screamer!"

I forced a light chuckle, trying to mask the discomfort that threatened to overwhelm me. Deep down, an indescribable mix of emotions swirled within, but I refused to let them show.

"I see you also had an unexpected guest." He gestured towards Cody's jacket hanging on the back of the chair next to him.

"Actually, some jerk took off in the car leaving me stranded so Cody gave me his jacket to keep me warm whilst he tried to flag me down a cab... and make sure that I wasn't murdered, robbed or raped on the streets of the strange city that I do not know very well."

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