Misery Business

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It was safe to say I wouldn't be going anywhere near whiskey again. After a cold shower and some food I was feeling a little more myself, although I couldn't shift this pounding headache as I hid in the shadows of the heavily illuminated set where Axel was now midway through his photoshoot for AP magazine. Axel was already on his third costume change, and had very quickly settled into working with the photographer. I popped my second round of Tylenol and washed it down with the complimentary coffee that was on tap then sat back in the plastic chair and watched the many people strategically playing out their crucial part in completing this task successfully. Sasha, an edgy looking woman in her mid 40's was coordinating todays event. I observed her constantly making eyes at Axel and shamelessly finding any excuse to touch him or offer suggestion, much to the very evident annoyance of the photographer as he shot her several side eyes every time she interfered with his vision. A young girl, around my age scurried sheepishly around and found herself constantly on the receiving end of Sasha's sharp tongue. Like me she retreated to the safety of the background in hope of becoming invisible and just making it to the end of the day in one piece. Her dark hair was braided into two thick plaits which draped over her shoulders and down to the waist of her vintage black Motley Cru T-shirt. Like every other woman in the room she had succumb to the magnetic draw of Axel, as she repeatedly pushed her thick rimmed glasses beck up the bridge of her nose whilst rocking gently from side to side as she watched him through the screen next to us. The photographer nodded to Axel and he left for his next costume change causing the room to slowly empty in his absence. It surprised me just how many people were involved in something like this. In my naivety I had assumed it was just the subjects and the photographer but in reality there were multiple sub groups carefully choreographed to work seamlessly together and in this situation, and all under the watchful guard of the little ray of sunshine that was Sasha.

Sasha and the photographer exchanged words as she interfered again with his assistants who were resetting the background and props. She stormed away seething and ended up right in the path of Motley Cru who for no good reason got a fierce telling off for something else that wasn't actually her fault. I don't know what possessed me but I was out of my seat before I realised what I was doing and heading towards them. Sasha stormed passed me as I approached, catching my shoulder slightly in her wake but deeming me worthy of any acknowledgment or apology.

"Hey." I approached the girl with caution as she sniffed in to the back of her hand.

"Hey, are you ok can I help?" She fixed a fake smile that didn't quite reach her hurting eyes.

"I'm ok," I spoke softly as I edged forward to stand next to her. "Are you ok?"

"Huh?" She spluttered and turned to me with a puzzled look etched across her face.

"Look, I've been sat around here all day watching everyone in this room and from where I'm sitting it looks like your boss is a total bitch."

She let out a releasing chuckle, then carefully looked around to make sure she wasn't seen. "She's ok really, just stressed about today and I've only been here a week so I'm not very helpful at the moment you know, whilst I'm still learning the ropes and that."

I nodded, offering an all too familiar smile as I did. "Yeah, I totally understand that, I've only been doing my job for a few weeks longer than you. It does get easier but I've still got loads left to learn too, so don't sweat it ok. You're doing a great job for someone that's only started a week ago."

"Thank you." Her fair cheeks blushed slightly. "I'm Kendal." She extended a hand out to me.

"Hi Kendal, I'm Liv. It's a pleasure to meet you." I responded, giving her tiny palm a gentle shake.

"What's it like working with Axel?" She eagerly asked as her smile now lit up her eyes.

"Tough!" I chuckled. "It's ok, I actually work for Axels manager, I was just reassigned for this trip to help out."

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