"Got used to it." Shuhua laughed.

"With what? My beautiful face?" Miyeon joked.

"Eonni, have some shame." Yuqi whined.

"Yah, Miyeon eonnie's beautiful. Isn't that right, Minnie eonni?" Soyeon laughed.

"Very beautiful." Minnie smiled.

"You guys flatter me." Miyeon felt warm again, especially with Minnie's reply. She feels like she could burst at any moment.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's go in the crowd!" Shuhua said. All the girls ran to the dance floor, mixing in with the crowd. They danced as the music plays. Yuqi was giving her all to impress Soyeon, Soyeon was laughing because of Yuqi, the Chinese was making up funny moves and flirting with the shorter girl.

"May I have everyone's attention, please!" The DJ said. "Grab your partners because this next song will fill this room with love!" He added and played a slow dance song. Couples are starting to dance with loving eyes.

Minnie noticed that Soojin pulled Shuhua for a dance, the Taiwanese was startled but then again, it was just Soojin. Yuqi and Soyeon also danced together, everyone can feel the love circulating around the venue. Minnie sat down with Miyeon.

"They look so happy." Minnie said, turning her gaze to Miyeon.

"Yeah... This is a special moment for them." Miyeon nodded, not noticing Minnie's gaze.

"I'll go to the bathroom, real quick. I think I drank too much juice." Minnie said, laughing.

"Mhm, okay!" Miyeon nodded. The Thai stood up and went to the bathroom.

Miyeon sat there, still watching the couples dance. She smiled. She thought she can ask Minnie for a dance once she comes back, she's feeling bold tonight.

"Miyeon-ah!" A girl said. Miyeon was happy to see Sana at a party. She hugged the girl.

"Wow, Sana. You look so beautiful today!" Miyeon complimented.

"Not as beautiful as you." Sana smiled.

"You flatter me." Miyeon chuckled.

"Everyone's dancing so, do you want to dance?"

"I don't see why not." Miyeon accepted Sana's hand and the two made their way to the floor. Miyeon accepted the dance since Sana was just her best friend and somebody she could trust.

"I thought you weren't coming." Sana said, slowly dancing with Miyeon.

"This is a big party, I don't want to be a kill joy anyway." Miyeon laughed.

"Well I'm glad you came." Sana smiled. The Japanese girl kept looking at Miyeon. Miyeon was used to Sana's stare so she didn't mind it.

"Miyeon-ssi." Sana said.

Miyeon hummed, fixing her stare at Sana. The Japanese girl stared at her with loving eyes which she never saw the girl do before.

"I've been wanting to say something for a long time."

"What is it?"

"Well... Ever since we were kids, I've always looked up to you. You were perfect... Up until now."

Miyeon tilted her head in confusion. Sana was full of compliments when it comes to her but she thought Sana was just being nice.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Miyeon smiled, not thinking anything more about it.

"I guess it's time that I say that... I like you, Miyeon."

Miyeon's eyes widened, the sudden confession made Miyeon feel confused. She thought Sana was just messing with her.

Minnie got out of the bathroom and went to their table but Miyeon was nowhere to be found. Worried, she searched for Miyeon through the crowd. Thinking that Jaehyun must've gotten her.

"Are you joking? I can't tell if you are since you joked about this a lot." Miyeon laughed.

"Miyeon, I'm serious. I like you. In fact, I want to be more than what we have."

Miyeon was silent. She doesn't know what to say, she doesn't see Sana in that way.


Sana kept her gaze at Miyeon, locking her eyes at the Korean's lips. Sana leaned in for a soft kiss, Miyeon couldn't do anything because she was shocked.

Minnie squeezed her way to the crowd and finally saw Miyeon's figure.

"Miyeon!" Minnie yelled.

She was glad that she finally found Miyeon but her mood dropped as she saw the Korean kissing Sana. Tears are forming on her eyes.

Miyeon heard Minnie's voice and quickly turned around, breaking Sana's lock. She saw Minnie, the Thai looked devastated. Their eyes met, Minnie couldn't look another second from what she was seeing. She wiped her tears and turned around to walk away.

"Minnie!" Miyeon yelled, not caring to leave Sana alone.

Miyeon chased Minnie who is walking in a fast pace.

"Minnie, wait!" Miyeon kept chasing. She grabbed the Thai's wrist which made the two girls stop.

"Could you just stop?!" Minnie raised her voice and turned to Miyeon. Tear stains from her make up are on her cheeks.

"I left for only 3 minutes and this is what I'm gonna see?!"

"Minnie, I don't understand."

"You don't understand? You don't understand why you kissed Sana?!" Minnie was about to breakdown.

"She kissed me, I-"

"But you let her kiss you!"

"Why are you acting this way?" Miyeon furrowed her eyebrows. Her confusion is making her furious.

"You know what's funny? Seeing the girl you know and loved kissing another woman!" Minnie yelled, her voice breaking.

"Do you love Sana?!" Miyeon raised her voice.

"You're such an idiot. I love you!" Minnie cried.

Miyeon was embarrassed, she didn't know Minnie would like her too. She was silent, letting go of Minnie's wrist. Minnie looked at Miyeon with tears in her eyes.

"Just leave me alone." Minnie tugged her arm and left Miyeon.

Minnie continued to walk fast, not thinking to look back at Miyeon. She was mad at the Korean, she couldn't bear seeing Miyeon with Sana anymore. She doesn't want to see Miyeon anymore but it hurts her so much. She quickly went to the corner of the street and stopped. She leaned her self on the street lamp and sighed deeply. Tears are flowing down again. She screamed at the top of her lungs, letting every emotions out.

The Korean was distraught, she watched Minnie leave without saying what she truly felt for the Thai. She fell on the floor, tears are flowing down her cheeks. She finally knew that Minnie liked her but she fucked up.

My Dahlia (MIMIN AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin