Chapter 2

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A blinding flash went through the meeting room causing everyone to cover their eyes. When they recovered from the blinding they found 5 unconscious, strange countryhumans on the ground. America was quick to saying they must be evil or from the past and that they must remove them.

L'Manburg blinked open his eyes, a sharp pain searing through his skull. He groans and sits up seeing Kinoko Kingdom, Manburg, Pogtopia and Snowchester. He also noticed other countryhumans staring at them. One, had a strange metallic item pointed at them.

He stood up and dusted himself off ignoring the continuous pain in his head. "Who the hell are you?!" Shouted the countryhuman with the object and red stripes over his face as well as little stars.

L'Manburg blinked and answered simply with a: "L'Manburg." Apparently the country wasn't happy with that response and looked grumpy. A taller country with a red maple leaf walked towards him and guided him to his chair.

L'Manburg turned around and poked the four country's on the floor. One by one they woke up. Manburg first, then Kinoko Kingdom, Pogtopia and Snowchester. One by one they also stated their names.

Eventually they were told that if they saw an empty seat they could go there and it would be where they would go every time there's a meeting. Snowchester sat beside Swizterland. Kinoko Kingdom beside Japan, Manburg beside North Korea, Pogtopia beside Russia, and finally L'Manburg found a seat next to Australia.

As the meeting continued on they were introduced to other countries and were eventually told that they would need to either join an organisation, make their own or be alone. Manburg had already decided he would join BRICS. Kinoko Kingdom didn't want to be apart of anything at all but found a rather small group to join: ANZAC.

Snowchester joined AESAN and Pogtopia created a new organisation with L'Manburg: DSMP. After that they were introduced to where they would live. L'Manburg was going to be living with Britain, they got along pretty well. Snowchester and Kinoko Kingdom we're going to live with all the other neutral countries. Pogtopia decided to live with the Russian family: Estonia, Russia, Ukraine (I'm sorry I don't know many) and Manburg was going to live with North Korea. (+ South Korea)

While interacting with Australia L'Manburg got to meet his states, in particular he liked Northern Territories.

Longer chapter than usual :D

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