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"If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up." -J.M. Power



The end of the day came much too fast. The good news is most of my teachers seem decent, and there wasn't much homework. Just a bunch of syllabuses to sign. But after school, Leo was busy with friends so I went home by myself. 

At home

"Gran! Grandpa! I'm home!" I holler out as I lean the bike on a side of our house. 

"Oh goodie, our sunshine is here!" Grandpa exclaimed, as he walked out of his room to greet me. 

"Hi grandpa, I missed you!" I give him a hug. "Oh but Leo is out with friends so I guess he'll get home later." 

"No problem! I'm glad he's getting along with his friends." Grandpa smiles. "Me too." Suddenly I feel guilty for feeling mad. "Anyways, I'll be leaving soon for karate class!" I used to be in a karate class, but after our financial life went down the drain, karate no longer became an option. So I struck a deal with my sympathetic Sensei and now I'm a part-timer. I don't get paid, but it does mean I can use the equipment they provide-making it a win-win for everyone all around. 

Grandpa nods and I walk to my room. There isn't much of any homework, so I let myself indulge in a little reading. (Jane Austen, if you wish to know.) 

I really like to read. For a period in middle school, that interest faded, but now it's back and as strong as ever. I like how each story follows a similar path of teaching a moral/life lesson or a resolved, happy ending while still managing to be able to keep me on my feet with every book. The grace in which ordinary, everyday words suddenly have when put in the right place feels so right to me. Like putting pieces in a puzzle. It fits. It's safe.


By the time my karate class rolls around, I've already finished 100 or so pages. I smile, closing my book and tucking it away safely. Now it's time to move. I grab myself a water bottle in the fridge and set off. Since the town is so small, everything is within walking or biking distance. It isn't strange for some people not to even own cars. 

Now that I think about it, the farthest I've been in all my 13 years is to the front of the town. It makes me feel a little small. Compared to all the millions of people out there, I feel so small and insignificant. I guess all you can really do is try your best and hope you make an impact. 

Ah. The Karate Dojo. I'm here. Some of the letters on the sign are falling off so it looks more like Th  arate  Dojo. But it's the only one in this small town, and the people are nice. Today is Monday so we'll be sparring. I walk into the Dojo and greet Sensei Maeda who is stationed at the door. He smiles and I walk to the mats to grab the good gear before it gets taken. 

As more people start filtering in, I spot my friend Aubin, better known as Bina. "Bina! Here, I got a mat for us!" She smiles and heads over to me. 

Author's Note

Hello, I know this chapter is very short, and I apologize for that. I have been feeling really unmotivated these days, partially due to the way I set up my writing.

Yours truly, 

Ambrose B. 

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