Chapter 19

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"The Best Surprise."


My lips trailed down the soft skin of Alessia's back until I got to her ass. I went back up her body and kissed her shoulder. I had let her sleep in since we'd been getting up early to workout. Well, since she had been setting an alarm to get up to work out and drag me into it. I heard her let out a content sigh. Less turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck then pulled me in for a kiss.

"I love you." Our kiss began heating up, but I couldn't let it. I took her hands and pinned them above her head. "Really?"

"Mmm," I pecked her lips. "As much as I would like to love you and pleasure you, I can't today." Alessia got the strength to free her hands and flip us. "Russel..."


Her voice was so innocent, but her hands weren't. She moved them up my body until she reached my neck. I couldn't help but let out a moan when her left hand gently squeeze the base of my neck. I put my free hand on her thigh, but she grabbed it and put it above my head.

"Don't touch." She warned.

"Less—" I moved my hips.

"Do you understand?" I nodded. "Do you understand?"


"I like you like this." She whispered. "Underneath me. Doing what I tell you to do."

Her hand traveled from the base of my neck down my body. Her touch was electric. Always was. Her lips touched my jaw. She worked down the front of my neck and body. It took everything in me to not put my hand in her hair.

Then my phone began to ring. I needed to answer it. It was so important.

"Ignore it." Less whispered in my ear.


"Ignore it." She pushed her lips onto mine and rolled her hips into me, making me groan. My phone rang again. I could see how fed up she was with it, so she went to grab it. "Who the fuck—Why is my mum calling you?"

I flipped us over in her moment of weakness and grabbed my phone to answer. "Mrs. Russo, how are you?" I climbed out of bed and found my pair of jeans from last night. "I'm so sorry I didn't answer the first time. I was cleaning up while Alessia slept in."

"That's alright honey. I was calling to let you know our taxi dropped us off, so we're at the front door."

"I'll be right there." I hung up. "Shit, shit, shit."

"Hello!" I turned, forgetting all about my naked girlfriend. "Care to explain?"

"I—Get dressed and come downstairs." I went over to her and kissed her head. "This is why we couldn't do what we both wanted to do."

"You're leaving me in a state." She put her pillow over her head.

"I'll take care of you tonight." I kissed her softly. "Promise." I grabbed my sweatshirt from yesterday too then ran downstairs. I opened the front door to see my girlfriend's parents. "Hi guys." I smiled.

Carol wrapped me in a hug. "Thank you for flying us out here."

"Of course. I really wanted Christmas to still be with family. How was the flight and travel?"

"The flight went smoothly." Mario said. "You know how traveling is. Tiring."

"I totally understand that." I smiled. "I'll get your bags over to the other house. It's a really easy drive over there. But of course, stay over here for as long as you'd like to. Alessia should be down any minute."

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