10: the aftermath (stiles)

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Jackie: your sister is something else

Jackie: your sister is something else

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Sti: is she making out with lyds

Jackie: yeah

When stiles put is phone back in his pocket derek was looking at him walking closer to the boy infont of him "what?" Stiles asked confused at Derek's behavior making a face "just trying to figure out something" derek said still getting closer to stiles "well can you figure it out without being so close" stiles asked a little uncomfortable about how close derek was getting "sure"

"Could i use your loft for a friends party" stiles asked following derek up the stairs "sure but your responsible for anything that happens" derek aaid entering his room "you can sleep here or in a guess room" derek watched as stiles entered his room. They both got in to dereks bed stiles falling asleep first leaving derek to stare at the ceiling till he fell asleep after awhile.

Stiles wake up to his sister calling him asking him to come pick her up. Stiles couldn't help but laugh no matter how many times allison tells him not to be so loud "why would you bring her here" Derek asked trying to sound annoyed "if i took her home we would both be in trouble" stiles turns back to his sister macking a face "trashcan ali trashcan now" he said following her across the room and holding her hair back "your a really good brother" he said causing styles to look at him "aw thanks derek" stiles replied with a smile "shut up" he says realizing his mistake.

Stiles walked over to allison sitting on the couch "Lisen ali i would like to help you but Sourwolf says you've got to go home and moms probably worried" stiles said handing her his keys "we'll give you a ride to my jeep then all you have to do is go home. okay" stiles asked "okay but im expecting an explanation for this" she said pointing at stiles and derek "okay" stiles smiles trying not to laugh.

they dropped allison off and she drive the rest of the way home stiles and derek drove back to the loft "so what do we do now" stiles asked upon entering the loft "i have no idea pit a movie" he said tossing a remote at stiles "Star Wars" stiles said with an evil grin on his face "something tells me this is going to take a lot longer then needed" derek said taking a seat next to stiles. 

four movies later and they were taking a bathroom break and getting snacks "so how many movies are left" derek asked taking his seat back on the couch "eight more to go" stiles says with a grin sitting back next to derek two movies later and stiles fell asleep his head laying on dereks shoulder he fell asleep not that long after stiles.

the next afternoon stiles received a text from his sister explaining that Kate's funeral was tomorrow "I've got to get home" stiles said after waking derek "i can drive you" "no its fine i was going to fly home" stiles said with a blank face looking at derek "well are you going to drive me or not" stiles asked waiting for him at the door "right" derek said getting up and walking to the door.

stiles got out of the ar and waved to derek one he was on the pouch, stiles hoped he could just go to his room with out being spotted by his dad but he was wrong  "where the hell were you" chris said the moment he saw stiles trying to sneak to his room "with a friend" stiles smiles trying to keep walking "don't move. i dont know where you got this bright idea but your grounded and you will most serenely not be seeing that hale agian" chris said letting stiles continued walking on up to his room "guess you can't talk to me" derek spoke up upon stiles entering his room, "what are you doing here" stiiles asked closing the door derek didnt say anything to stiles "well i have school tomorrow so good night" stiles said walking to his bed and laying down "good night stiles" derek said before leaving out the window. 

The next day went by slower then usual for stiles that was until the funeral were he saw the old man from the woods getting out a car and walking to kates casket "im your grandfather but you can call me gerard" he said introducing himself stiles just stood there in silence while his sister talked to there mom and gerard.

Once they were back home stiles went to his room, allison wasn't far behind him "whats happened" she asked "in the woods he was there. He wants to kill derek and scott" he said with worry in his voice she just nodded in acknowledgement of his response

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