3: its a poisonous plant (stiles)

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sourwolf : I came to ask you if you would help me find the alpha

boy in red : yea ill help

sourwolf : I have to leave the alphas on the move

"stiles no phones at the dinner table" Victoria says making stiles put his phone away while they eat dinner it wasn't long before everyone was getting up and going their separate ways allison and stiles went to their rooms while victoria watched tv and chris went to help his sister kate. as it turned out she had found the alpha running around the town at night like he's been doing but this time he wasn't alone kate had noticed the figure running after the alpha. Chris and Kate both start to shoot at them; one gets shot while the alpha is fine .

Scott was being himself when he heard a howl so he followed it but all he found was a blonde woman saying the person she shot only had 24 hours to live but he had to go because she had spotted scott.

The next morning when stiles had woken up to find that their aunt kate was staying in town for a while "im headed out for school" stiles says before grabbing his keys and leaving. allison goes to help her aunt unpack her things "if you ever want to learn something about your family look that up" kate says giving her a silver necklace with a wolf on it "allison you're going to be late" her mom called from down stairs

the day went by slower than usual evan lacrosse practice where lydia and allison dragged stiles to watch the guys play "maybe you should join us argent" jackson says looking at stiles "i've never played" stiles admits "i don't think coach will mind you play at practice with us"

As it turned out coach had not minded he even offered stiles a spot on the team at the end of practice and stiles had not passed down on the opportunity to play a sport he is good at. after practice he headed to his jeep and started on his way out till he came to an abrupt stop not wanting to hit derek "sourwolf what are you doing here" stiles opening his passenger side door so he could get in. stiles thought he might pass out at any moment. "your aunt she shot me with a special bullet"

"scott is going over to my house for dinner. He can get it while I make sure you don't die '' Stiles says, sending Scott a text about how he needs to find a bullet while he is at dinner and telling him that he won't be at dinner with them.

<hey mom. yeah i'm fine. i'm going to be late for dinner. yeah i'll see you later.> stiles says hanging up on his mom and continuing to drive

'lying for you how nice' his wolf says

shut up.

"so what do you know about the alpha" stiles asked instead of asking more about his family "no not asides that he's alone besides scott bu-" stiles looked over to find that he has passed out and now looks more pale then when he got in the car.

<dude you just need to look for it while i get him to throw my window. yea. just don't react to the smell okay.> stiles says before scott hang up

"what's the plan" stiles jumped at the sound of derek's voice "i'm going to sneak you into my room and ill find the bullet get it back to you then be at dinner" stiles explains the plan to the werewolf. Stiles started to get out of his jeep and head to his window "sourwolf come on." he says looking back at the jeep waiting for him to get out and start walking.

"so you text me if anything goes wrong" he says leaving his room to go search his house for the bullet "scotty what are you doing" stiles asks seeing him about to set off an alarm that would get his family's attention "stiles oh am i glad to see you man" scot said stepping away from the door "that's good and all but i'll find it you get back to dinner" stiles says pushing scott towards the stairs.

stiles knew kate had been the one to shoot derek so he started looking in her room till he found a bag under her bed where the bullet was. he grabbed the bullet and ran back to his room where he then found derek passed out on his floor "hey derek i got the bullet" stiles said bending down and slapping the unconscious werewolf "dude i got your bullet now get up before you die on my floor" stiles says holding out the bullet . once derek took the bullet from stiles, he burned it into the bullet wound "ounch that had got to hurt" stiles says "yea it did hurt"

"well as much fun as this is i've got to go eat dinner with my family.'' Siles says leaving his room Derek could hear him walking down the stairs till it's just Derek alone in the teenagers room again.

sourwolf: i'm staying

Stiles had entered his room not long after leaving, not once looking at his phone "what are you still doing here" stiles asked walking into his room to find Derek laying on his bed reading a book"i told you i was staying" derek answered back.

allison had went upstairs a few minutes after her brother meaning when she walked past his room she could hear him talking to someone she knew it wasn't a girl bc stiles had never really payed attention to the girls that tried to flirt with him. she didn't mind him not telling her he was gay its the fact that he didn't tell her about the guy he snuck in.

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