Reputation (4)

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Cicero Divil, another brilliant mind in the country of France. A phD in sociology and a love for music. A love that seemed almost as strong as his devotion to his wife. He thrived at the university, advanced in all his classes, saw the world in eyes beyond his time. He was innovative.

    And it was all thanks to his music. Being introduced to the orchestra life since he was a boy back in poverty times. He would sneak into the theaters just to get a taste of the world swallowing music. He could feel the rhythm shake in his chest, make the vents he hid in roar.

    Each visit was different. He would leave smiling like a twelve year old with a crush, bawling with tears of sorrow, pale from shock, or simply silent at the bliss of such a language without words.

    Until the theater, with the orchestra he worshiped like gods, blew up at the hands of anger of greedy French civilians.

    He went into sociology because of those emotions. The only time he was able to control his own was through music.

    He was alone in his surf with waves of sound and feelings. Until Ms. Divil came into his life. Romance bloomed in the two's life, bringing two more brilliant minds into the world. But it was around this time when Cicero's life tempo began to intensify.

    He discovered a way to manipulate the chemical reactions in a human's brain based on modified sound waves. He could control the minds that listened to his melodies. His other true love became his tool in the world. He didn't care he got kicked out of the university, that he was missing from his shackled apartment with his crying kids or engrossed wife.

    It was his bank heist that cut him from his home.

    That anger he had as a kid returned. All he wanted was a place over his head for his studies and support. So, a little call to the Belgian mafia sent those three little spawns of satan into the sewers. 

    He continued on the path: murders, manipulation of suicides, forcing people to rob and kill. His symphony of bedlam had no restraints.

    But the Divil's hate didn't lie in that. They were respected, ingenious; and they were sent to the rivers of fecal like rats.

    Since that day those masked men marched their way into the apartment, mother Divil swore their name would never be stained again. Step by step, dollar by dollar, sale by sale they got a business. Then a company. Then an empire.

    And Artemis was willing to die to protect it. But not before the head of the Conductor was severed from his neck.

    But the assassin's demise might be coming sooner than expected. And all because of a caramel skinned boy who was once better than any hero in his adolescent mind.

    "Would you stop making so much noise?" He chided, looking down at the golden eyed fighter below him on the rope. The ball was inside City Hall, a four story building with a skylight lasering  down to the dance floor. The night was almost starless, just a few dull blinks near a glaring moon that reflected off the gold trim of the building.

    The plan was for Shino and Artemis, or Arsenal and Umbra, to sneak in and secure Jan Van Eck before Eternity could get to him. Before their father could get to him. The rest of the crew was down at the party, undercover.

    But it would be a miracle for the duo to get to the roof without falling.

     "Hey, I'm not skilled at scaling fifty-five feet buildings, near solo, like you!" Shino snapped back, having to crane his neck. The Hardlight kept getting his foot knotted in the black wire to where he was flipped upside down. If he kept yanking on the rope, it would undo the security tie and they would fall to their deaths. Which would be mercy for the shadow manipulator.

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