The Heap Prt 2

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In this story, Artemis knows Shino is a vigilante.
Artemis' P.O.V.

"Okay, okay, okay," Shino rambled "explain again."

When we first walked in, and Shino practically screamed Flex's name, I thought he was nuts. That wasn't Flex. It was a burglar from my own nightmares that Rikku and Shizu had to take care of. But Shino had matched his way to the masked intruder and clawed at the black stuff around his face. The mask almost immediate morphed into the yellow sludge we all know.

"How did you know it was Flex?" Rikku had squeaked, but the yellow eyed boy just scrunched his face. "That was Flex's 'stalker outfit.' He always wears it when he's snooping around."

So now, we all stood in the living space, Rikku and Shizu huddled in the corner while I stood off to the side next to the TV.

Flex, still tied up and looking terrified, sighed and told his story.

"Well, do you remember that mission went on a few weeks back?" He asked my boyfriend, who was standing in front of him with his hands on his hips.

Shino hummed a yes to the question. He had told me that he and his other friends ran a little group that was like a vigilante group; clean the smaller messes that the larger heroes missed. I might not approve of it, for this exact reason, but there is worse in the world. Just as long as Shino was safe, I supported him.

"Well," Flex continued "we didn't want to leave all the weapons in the hands of those bad guys, so when you left, Kol told me to hide them. To 'not trust anyone and to think outside the box for the public's safety.'" Flex deepened his voice to mimic Kol's voice, making Shizu and Rikku giggle.

"Since he said not to trust anyone, I also took that message to the group. So, I chose the perfect day where everyone else was busy to hide the weapons. Well, everyone except Kol and Shino."

He paused to think for a moment, then led on.

"To make sure they stayed busy, I concocted a little dark magic from down at the old cemetery, and may or may not have released a demon to haunt the dorm."

"What?!?" Shino shrieked. My stomach dropped.

"But it was taken care of!" Flex answered hastily. "Apparently you were gone, so Kol took care of it! The plan still worked."

"Then how come I never heard of this?" He demanded.

Flex tilted his head towards me.

"I-ummm..."I choked out. My throat seemed to close up, my skin became hot and tingly. I could feel the eyes of all my friends on me with the heated pressure to tell the truth.

"Arty?" Shino began, eyeing me. There was no way I could hide this, even though they may not believe the truth.

I took a deep breath "A few days back, I was having these strange things happen to me. From strange sounds, cold tingles, and things that just made me scared out of my mind. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you guys would think I was being neurotic. I know I can be." I mumbled, glancing down at the floor in shame.

"So, when you all left to do your stuff, I asked Kol to come by and check it out. He is one of Shino's most trusted friends, so I tried him myself. We were attacked by the demon and chased up to my room. Kol then explained that he did have a solution to the issue. Once the madness was over with, he left and brought back a chicken, offered from you Flex!" I accused, my face heating up. The yellow blob gave me a look.

I scratched the back of my head "Anyhow, apparently we were supposed to sacrifice the chicken, but I couldn't go through with it. Until the dang bird went psycho and tried to kill me!"

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